I won't post here everytime I will get TK'ed on purpose, but in this case that was really difficult for the online admins to see what was going on there, and I had no opportunity to votekick them. So I uploaded the video (since the last time I got banned, I do record everything).
Could you please ake a look at it ? I've cut the video but on request, I can upload the whole map to proove that I didnt provoke them.
Please also note that 420 was already trolling in the chat/random votekicking at the beginning of the map.
When : 30th September 2014, 1:20 AM
Where : Carnage server, Stoneshill throne room
Who : 420, Stonedwall Jackson, Bylo
Proof : Chivalry Medieval Warfare 09.30.2014 - located at http://koh-team.com/otherfiles/
Kind regards,
PS: Please don't mind about the music, I clicked "Explore" on Soundcloud and sometimes there is weird stuff