Hello ! First, I'd like to apologize if my english isn't that good.
So, it is a bit weird for me because I'm not really here to ask for a deban (for now !), but I'd like to know the reasons (well I know the reasons, I won't lie to myself) and especially the duration of it.
I'll try to explain the whole thing but it will be really vague : I can't even remember the day (I think it was Friday...) and I don't even know the name of the map, I searched, but I can't find it :/ It is the map with "burn the tents" / "don't let the opponents burn the tents" as first objective, then "push the cart" / "don't let your opponents push the cart" and finally "capture the tower" / "..."
Context : I was Agatha, battle, sword vs sword, "u fegget brandicock", arrow in the knee etc... last objective, capture the tower, we failed, nobody cares.
I'm dead, 30s left, the tower is too far, I can't help. I'm tired, I see a teammate, I fight him, nice fight, so many teammates at spawn, let's fight guys, I kill you, and you, and you. Too much tk's. Match is over. Nom nom nom the exp, new screen, banned.
Here's the thing : I never wanted to bother people and I never will, I didn't want to act like a douche and I never will. When I did that, it was more like "30s left, let's have some fun and act crazy for the end of the match" and not "we're dead, fuck you, oh and you, you there, yep you too"
I understand bans, you have rules and I have to respect the rules, it's a simple thing, IG and IRL. But I can't understand the duration and the way the person did it. You play a game, someone TK, votekick, vote yes, goodbye dude, see you next game, end of story. But I, for a little bit of craziness at the end of a game, can't play anymore on your server. Even if playing on your server is a privilege and I shouldn't badmouth about it and people working on/for it, that decision is disproportionate.
I always try to be nice : say "hello", say "sorry", say "no problem", say "bye", I always try to respect the rules, I even tried to learn how to play different weapons (!) because it seems like people hate brandi users ! I like to act stupid with other people at the cata in stoneshill. I just want to have fun, and I don't like to kill the pleasure of the others. Am I sorry ? I am, really, but I never wanted to irritate these guys.
I don't know how your ban system works, if you have some 1 week ban, 2 weeks ban, I will understand (and accept) a temporary one, but I can't understand a perma one, and if it is one, I'm just asking you, please, to reconsider it, because I never, never, never wanted to play with people nerves and make someone mad.
Thank you for your consideration,