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Hello , I'm Liche. I would join SM (just join sm tongue.gif)

I played something like 900 hours, and probably 600 or more in SM serv.

Whu I am : -Im a pro team killer
-I love charge on my team with a vanguard
-I'm a spammer with my claymore
-I hate 1v1
-I like coldfront
-Spear is my favorit weapon
-I hate the mob (or mod?)

I'm french , also i'm sorry about my english i wish it was good enought to be understood ^^

Thx yu for reading .
I hope i will be one of yours tongue.gif
I vouch this mofo !
Hahaha, nice to see you finally joined! Welcome! biggrin.gif
Wow.. almost too much to comment on. Ok!

-Im a pro team killer - fucker
-I love charge on my team with a vanguard - god I HATE that!
-I'm a spammer with my claymore - dirty lmb spammer die
-I hate 1v1 - thats insulting to me personally
-I like coldfront - the worst, most buggy, useless, unbalanced shitty map there is
-Spear is my favorit weapon - I fucking hate spear users
-I hate the mob (or mod?) - very rude

In conclusion.. Welcome Liche about fucking time!! biggrin.gif
Welcome Liche. I have nothing awesome to say, because I'm a dull guy smile.gif
Hi Liche.

Thanks for the application. The normal process is a clanvote, so I'll make a post regarding this then it usually takes a while to get everyone's votes. I'll then get hold of you on steam
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