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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hi everyone!
I'm Lucy, I live in England. I play on the SM servers non stop, they are my favourite and soo much better than all the other servers.
I can't stand racism and assholes, I try to be a decent player biggrin.gif
I don't think there's anyone I don't get along with, always have a laugh with everyone on the servers.
I'm also female, if that affects your decision in any way? :L

Anddddd I think that's about it, over and out. smile.gif
No girls allowed! tongue.gif

Ok, maybe they are. I just wanted to say that for funsies. I'll see if I can wake the monkey.
Welcome to the site! smile.gif Hope you have a nice stay!
All i can say it's pic or it never happened.
Be nice, dithyr. That's a lady you're talking to.

Photo is up guys.
Are you happy now dithyr? :L
Welcome to the website.

Although I have to admit I'm suspicious of anyone that says they get on with everyone: I can only assume you've not met dithyrambique yet tongue.gif

The usual process for recruitment is a popularity contest clan member majority vote, so the more existing members you've played chivalry on the servers with the better, but the whole voting process take a little while

Anyway catch you in game soon smile.gif
I just meant that I don't remember a specific person or a time where I had an issue smile.gif
Thank you, see you in game smile.gif
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