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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Whats up Maulers ^^

Im [ORANGE] AJAX smile.gif 28y from the Netherlands and play chivalry from the beginning. I would like to join yo SM group. I love playing in your servers, and would like to transforme myself into a SM admin.
Hohohohhoho (mason vanguard). Some time ago one of you lollgangers gave me a permaban in the 50player(no limit), because i killed an worthless archer of my team. reason : the red was blue ^^.
I hope we can work that stuff out (k). if so you will all get a kiss from my Maul. Add me on steam if yo like and check out my screenshot of some of the advanced chivalry tactics we did !

Cya in the battlefield.

And you know, always defend the gatehall with you Maul !

Cool Ajax! You are actually the first player in Chiv that I remember from back when I started playing, because we were both trying to get our team to cooperate on the objectives. I like how hopelessly naive and optimistic you are with some of your plans, like the cart ambush on stones hill or the useless shield wall tactic, that fail every single time biggrin.gif But I agree, gatehall maul defense is awesome when everyone commits to it, such a meat grinder!

Good luck with the application man!
hey, sorry had a bit of a backlog so haven't been doing much websitey stuff lately. I remember you smile.gif (in fact I'm the lollganger that gave the ban tongue.gif) - although happily I believe it was lifted. The usual recruitment process is it goes to a majority vote with existing members. I know you used to play a lot in ye olde days, not sure if you've gotten to know much of the newer crowd yet
I picked the game up a few months ago, after a long break tongue.gif. Now im online almost everyday smile.gif.
I think I know some of the admins from the beginning of this game tongue.gif, not all of the tho.
Hope to see you guys soon.

Hard and low !
Added on steam to discuss the recruitment, but FR not accepted.

On this occasion the recruitment was declined.

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