Aug 27 2014, 05:37 PM
Hello guys i'm Blacko19x to have some fun doing fights, maybe make some friends to play chiv, you know i like fight back to back with some friends...more we are more is the fun! See you soon cya ;P
Aug 27 2014, 08:26 PM
Whalecum !
Aug 28 2014, 02:03 PM
lol hahhahhhahahaah
just so I know is this actually a recruitment post or just a dropping by to say hi type post?
Either way welcome
Sep 7 2014, 07:05 PM
I'm here to join the sm soooo I forgot to say this at first XD sorry. Well I would be glad to join hacked penguin lead me here :-D
Sep 10 2014, 10:11 AM
Hey Blacko19x , welcome to the website

I'll still a recruitment poll in the members area (recruitment is by majority vote) however it does often take some time to coax existing members into voting. (also gives us a chance to see what you're like on the server

Sep 10 2014, 05:37 PM
When i play chiv i'm always on your servers (limited arch and CARNAGE) so you can see how i play and how kind i can be with mates and enemy. i'm a fair player and i like doing some trolling in chiv but i really enjoy to play in your servers, it's like you all plp are fair and don't bore the team with bad manners, it's something that i wanted so bad cuz in other servers i found so much 'animals'. So for if this can be appreciated by you all i'm italian ;P
So...Ciao ciao from Italy ;D
Dec 14 2014, 04:44 PM
What the hell is that ^^
Feeling sorry for Monkey, because he probably has to read all of that...
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