Today i received a permanent ban for TKing on limited archer server in folloving circumstamces.
I never used a 'votekick' option and even havent known how to request it before. After getting a stab in resp from a teammate (cant remember exact nickname, something like "a fat guy from the lost"). After not receiving an exuse< i made thing, which is quite common on most other servers - hit him back on the resp several times. After this he started to spam 'votekick' option, which irritated players more than i irritate him with stab (on that time my teamdamage was even less, then his (saw it when someone votekicked him: 25% vs 28-30%). Also, I saw quite often kicking players with >50% teamdamage, so I admitted that it is common to play aggressively against teammates in conflicts.
When map was changing i ve been kicked with no reason in explanation box. After relogging in next match, i played ignoring that player and my teamdamage was about i believe 2-3% (and it was not instant TKing)< and after about 5-10 minutes of battle i received permanent ban.As i wrote, i never used votekick system on yours and other servers before.
After this accident I read about it and now i know how to punish frauds without violence in this game. I found both of your servers in server list, where you cant find any rules and other usefull information. After ban, i found this site where read the rules and learned in internet about how votekick works in Chivalry. I were kicked twice or trice before for about same things (some of them as i remember were after my rows with concrete player in chat for teamdamage). Now I know the rules of your community and understand my fault. Your community servers are important for my chivalry experience and being banned permanently on your servers makes me really upset, because its almost imposible to find server with this tickets and archer limit (and administration, that present even in battles and can respond, what I saw after, which is also not common on most servers). As i wrote below, I concede my mistake and make several steps to avoid it in the future (which i wrote before), i saw that these servers have got strong community and rules (including not just kick but ban for fraud), so If administrations sees it possible, i would ask for making my ban not permanent, but for at least some time (ideally - unban, but i understand that its hardly acceptable because of my fault). From my side, I can guarantee that these quite silly mistakes won't be repeated in the future.
Will be happy to see respond and opened for questions and advises.
With apologise to all fair server community and for my bad english,