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Full Version: Unban plox
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Steam Name is "OMER." you may also fine me under

Got banned because my previous account name and pic was a satire of the SS (Waffen SS to be particular)
Didn't say anything insulting, compared lag to blitzkrieg jokingly but I don't see anything wrong with that.
I do however recognise the issue people may have with the name, and admit the satire was hard to spot.

Anyway, I would like to have my ban lifted from the one decent server on Chiv. Marsche tried to unban me but it didn't work so I was told to post here - and to also give my suggestion below.

Oh and mods, if perhaps you could message or announce to the person they need to change their name or else they'll be banned (instead of just instabanning) that might be better, some of us steam users are reasonable people smile.gif



Steam ID:
This ban was mine.
I'm happy to see you followed the instructions given and that you are willing to change your name.
Understand that the server was full at the moment of the ban and I had no time for the upcoming argument about the nature of your nickname (While some steam user are reasonable, we are the 1%). I belive the ban with the reason I gave you was a contundent enough method to deal with the situation.

You have been unbanned. Please remember to change your nickname before entering the servers again.

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