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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment

My Name is Joe I'm 20 years young...

I've be around off and on your chivalry server for awhile, recently came back after a break (Boring uni crap) and i'd love to join you guys. I think I'm known on the server but that isn't for me to say.

I'm british for what it's worth (bonus points)


Also I'm a web developer by trade, so if you need any assistance/recommendations, just let me know smile.gif


If it's not clear, i am requesting to join the clan smile.gif
And where is the offer? uh.gif
QUOTE (AsDeR @ Jul 29 2014, 12:47 PM) *
And where is the offer? uh.gif

The offer is letting me join, it can most definitely be refused smile.gif
hi. welcome to the site.

Now that we have quite a few admins I think we should start some sort of duel system e.g. you vs asder. if you lose you can't join. If you win, we kick asder out and smash up his computer tongue.gif Survival of the fittest etc.

Failing that the standard and more boring way of recruitment is via a majority clan member vote (once we do a quick background check and server history). If you want me to start this now then let me know and I'll stick it in the members area. If you want to hold off for a while to get to know some of the reprobates clan members a bit better then let me know that too smile.gif
QUOTE (MonkeyFiend @ Jul 29 2014, 10:57 PM) *
hi. welcome to the site.

Now that we have quite a few admins I think we should start some sort of duel system e.g. you vs asder. if you lose you can't join. If you win, we kick asder out and smash up his computer tongue.gif Survival of the fittest etc.

Failing that the standard and more boring way of recruitment is via a majority clan member vote (once we do a quick background check and server history). If you want me to start this now then let me know and I'll stick it in the members area. If you want to hold off for a while to get to know some of the reprobates clan members a bit better then let me know that too smile.gif

I'd accept the duel but i would surely loose to my lack of ability in close range combat that doesn't involved javelins. I'm happy to start it now unless you're implying that i should get to know more people. I'd like to think i know a fair amount of the regulars, but w.e. throw my hat in the ring smile.gif Also I'm very confused am i applying to be an admin or just to join the clan?! The latter was what i was thinking smile.gif
QUOTE (MonkeyFiend @ Jul 29 2014, 11:57 PM) *
Now that we have quite a few admins I think we should start some sort of duel system e.g. you vs asder. if you lose you can't join. If you win, we kick asder out and smash up his computer tongue.gif Survival of the fittest etc.

Can't we just have them duel to the death? That would solve everything in one go and if they both die, we can admit someone without a duel to fill up the gap.

And you're applying for both, Joe. For some reason, monkey thinks it's a good idea to give everyone who joins, admin rights biggrin.gif
Fite me IRL m8!!!!

I accept the duel. If I lose, I lose my admin position and an angry mod of peasants will come and bash my computer.
If I win, Joe must speak like Donald the duck on teamspeak everytime he joins the server.

You can choose the map, I choose the weapon. Catapults.
Bah, Asder isn't even good. Put me against recruits and you'll be sure to not have any new admins tongue.gif
QUOTE (AsDeR @ Jul 30 2014, 01:43 PM) *
Fite me IRL m8!!!!

I accept the duel. If I lose, I lose my admin position and an angry mod of peasants will come and bash my computer.
If I win, Joe must speak like Donald the duck on teamspeak everytime he joins the server.

You can choose the map, I choose the weapon. Catapults.

I accept your challenge, i choose the map arena, paradox is created. I win smile.gif
Nope, you're not getting off that easy. We're going to build the map in real life, build real life catapults in it and then, without any instructions on how to use those catapults, we'll let you two fight it out. Everything but blows below the belt is allowed. I mean, we're not savages.
If only it applied on Fiend position, i can be the big boss fo' su'

Asder ain't even good, true story '^'
QUOTE (TurboMidget @ Jul 30 2014, 06:24 PM) *
Nope, you're not getting off that easy. We're going to build the map in real life, build real life catapults in it and then, without any instructions on how to use those catapults, we'll let you two fight it out. Everything but blows below the belt is allowed. I mean, we're not savages.

I would travel far and wide just to this magnificent spectacle!

I propose we make pillow forts and throw golf balls to each other. The first one to go unconscious loses.
QUOTE (AsDeR @ Jul 31 2014, 12:21 PM) *

I propose we make pillow forts and throw golf balls to each other. The first one to go unconscious loses.

Make it a glass fort and bowling balls, then we have a deal.
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