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Full Version: Banned from both servers - Why?
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Limited Archer ban came a few days ago, no reason was specified and no warning was given. I did charge kill an admin on opposing team right before that, but I haven't the slightest if that's related. tongue.gif
The second came a few minutes ago. Reason specified was "Linked Ban", which I assume has to do with the first one.

They're your servers and I can respect your right to ban me for any (or no) reason at all, I just want to know what I did, perhaps defend myself.

Display name has always been Firebat.
Rules state: no racist language for any reason. They are displayed often.

Without trawling through the connection logs too much, a brief excerpt:

05/06/2014 12:36:03 (76561198079902656) Firebat: i wanna TK for racist reasons if the rule spam doesnt fuck off
05/06/2014 12:37:06 (76561198079902656) Firebat: niggerniggernigger
05/06/2014 12:37:12 (76561198079902656) Firebat: did it work?
05/06/2014 12:37:19 (76561198079902656) Firebat: thank you based racism
05/06/2014 12:39:31 (76561198079902656) Firebat: NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER
05/06/2014 12:40:45 (76561198079902656) Firebat: niggerniggernigger
05/06/2014 12:41:38 (76561198079902656) Firebat: a homosexual, a muslim, a communist, a socialist, and a black man all walk into a bar
05/06/2014 12:47:17 (76561198079902656) Firebat: niggerniggerniggerniggerniggernigger


It's strange that people appealing bans made with good reason often open with 'oh I killed an admin, that must be why I was banned' - always seems to be an attempt to muddy the rep of a server with idiotic unfound allegations. So I've taken the liberty to post your steam ID here - google indexes this site, so anyone looking you up in future can get some idea of what to expect.

Profile: 76561198079902656

)),PlayerName="Firebat",Reason="ADMIN: Linked ban. Racist language. Permanent",NetIDAsString="0x01100001072183C0")

The ban stands.
have added deny IP to firewall rules
The Boss
I've removed the post again as we simply just don't want you here.

The point of adding IP deny to the firewall is you've been banned from the servers, your posting account on the site was banned and you create several new accounts to keep posting.
IP deny is then added, for which you can obviously just change the IP address (on a dynamic IP as you have) or use a common proxy like hidemyass.

It's a process, we try to get rid of you in increasing measures.
Once we reach a certain point though will just report you to Comcast abuse and let them deal with you for breach of AUP

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