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Full Version: Ban lift request
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
So I was playing on your chivalry server a few days ago when I was banned from the server with no warning. The ban message said something about my steam name and unrecognizable characters or something.

I usually play with the name "™" on other games or some variation and was not aware that this was a bannable offense. In fact I checked the server rules on here and it says nothing about this. I would like to be unbanned if possible and won't use this name when playing on your chivalry server.

My steam ID is STEAM_0:1:25846387

Thanks in advance.
Hi, I just logging back on to the server. Thanks for the lift on the ban.

I wasn't around so that ban wasn't mine, the TM sign is one of those characters that doesn't show up in game. It's used to be commonly used by troublemakers trying to avoid votekicks/bans. I believe the devs are making to changes to prevent ™ as a name, so not sure if this was something that's been pushed through already
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