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Full Version: join the clan
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
hello friends,
My name is Bastion. I would like to be a member of your clan.
Do not wanna be admin, just join the clan.
I want to join the clan because I'm happy playing with Penguin, Bishie, Sneeky, Marsche, deadcandance ...
I am from Spanish and I write fatal in English. I am 36 years and I have 4 soon small children.
Thanks for your answer,
see you on the battlefield.
Monkey say yes, please tongue.gif
I hear Monkey is away atm

Although I know you from the server!

also I'll make a post in the members section to give people a chance to vote on membership

errm will add you to steam or something

speak soon!
ok perfect! I hope your answer
Have added you steam smile.gif
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