May 21 2014, 05:19 AM
This morning I attempted to join the 50 slot limited Archer server, only to find that I was "IP Banned from this session".
I have no clue why I was banned, I hardly ever use the in-game chat, and my team damage is not often above 5%. is my profile, I play under quite a few aliases, I would like to know the reason for my ban and also appeal for it to be lifted.
May 23 2014, 09:58 AM
having a look at the logs now...
May 23 2014, 10:04 AM
ban was made on the 5th of May at 3:06 for playername "행성의 궁수" It wasn't one of my bans, so will give it some time for whichever admin made it to post a reply
May 23 2014, 04:39 PM
The name doesn't ring a bell, though I tend to forget the "quick bans" more often as time goes by. I wouldn't oppose an unban.
May 25 2014, 03:31 PM
doesn't ring any bells for me either, will lift it for now then
May 25 2014, 03:40 PM
actually am not sure how to unban that name. can't copy and paste it and the ingame browser will just show it as blocks :S
May 25 2014, 03:57 PM
have unbanned by netidasstring
Jul 9 2014, 06:10 AM
Ban still seems to be in effect, I've only played since being unbanned the first time once.
Sep 19 2014, 11:17 AM
The boss asked me to take another look at this :/
Afaict looking at config backups the ban was removed around 6 weeks ago when the server was being patched, urm can check the exact date. Looks like it was Jen's IP range for the last manual edit of the file.
Can't see any other matching netIDs so don't think it's been duplicated on the 3 servers by the ban copy script - although not sure how it handles purely non ascii normal characters anyway. (answer Monkey?)
if this ban is active I'm not sure why - unless it's included in the bannedids= section. I'm still not sure how those bans get there (I know the ping kicker/afk kicker and speedhack script add them in that fashion but no reasons or dates listed).
Sep 19 2014, 03:22 PM
While it's impossible to say for sure with all those weird chinese character signs, I do remember banning someone with an at least similar name for repeatadly being an ass then intentionally tking the king on stones hill.
Sep 19 2014, 05:05 PM
QUOTE (Meowric @ Sep 19 2014, 11:17 AM)

although not sure how it handles purely non ascii normal characters anyway. (answer Monkey?)
It does handle the bans in Unicode, allowing for non ascii characters. The ban doesn't look like it's there.
It's definitely not one of the ones from the custom anti-speedhack script (also you can't remove those - the plugin will repopulate the pcserverudkgame.ini on the server. Removing them requires the server to be taken down for a while - probably for the best, don't want these types accidentally getting back on

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