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Full Version: Unban request
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hey MonkeyFiend,

Got banned yesterday by Anoying prick.
I admit, I was having a bad day and was a bit rude on the chat.
Nothing racist ofc, just some "fuck off" / "fuck you archer". Typical rage...
I don't know if the admin thought it was aiming @ him but it was not.

Anyways, I'm sorry about it.
You know that I appreciate this server right?

Please unban me.
Thanks in advance

It was me that banned you and on top of that you were seen kicking friendly archers over the edge the day before and refused to speak when asked about it.

The ban was set for 7 days so it will be lifted this weekend.
I remember that "friendly" archer on outpost shot me 2 times in the ass. 1 time during my fight and 1 after without any reason... So yes I kicked him to his death. Not smart but I hope he will learn his lesson.
I also remember someone asking why I did it but it was not a =SM= member so ofc I didn't feel obliged to answer.

I already said a million time, most of the maps aren't designed to have 50 players and so FF should be reduced.
I also think both servers should have archer limit (maybe different like 4 max and 8 max)


I think CARNAGE server should be renamed to something less sexy because it attracts all the newbies resulting the other server to be often empty or less populated.
Newbies should go to a limited archer server. They live longer and learn longer how to play the real game. Carnage server tends to kill them so fast that they will turn to archer class resulting uninterresting camping battles and failing attacking team.

But hey!! That is just my opinion..

Tho it wasn't me that banned you, I heard of a 7 day ban passed for kicking friendly archers. You must understand that admins aren't omnipotent and tend to respond to either what they have reported to them (and tend to go into spectate to check it) or what they see themselves. That's why the rules have no intentional TKing for any reason - including revenge TKing as it's often the case when an admin gets there it's just a general fight going on and then both players end up getting banned

The full list of =SM= members (except 5 intentionally ommitted) are here Use of =SM= tags are optional; since sometimes it's useful to have obvious admin presence, sometimes it's good for players not to realise admins are online (in this case the ban was made by someone without =SM= tags)

I think the FF amount was trialed at a lower setting from 50% to 40% but it tended to increase the amount of LMBing into melee that we already get now, so was not a popular choice, hence the default FF amount

As for the name, I methink carnage was adopted after the replacement of the '50 warriors' server and pretty much represented the game at the time. If I had my way newbs would ahve to play on low ranking servers first. I did suggest we put a small minimum rank limit on the servers (like 10+) but that one got shot down, there's plenty of massive douchebags into 20-50 rank catagory.

I think carnage was always intented to live up to it's name - completely unrestricted gameplay. I know several others prefer the limited archer server as it's a little less random chaos
^ what they said tongue.gif
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