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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Stupid Fat Hobbit!
Hi guys, Stupid fat hobbit here

I was playing on the Carnage server earlier on and I was kicked for no apparent reason, other than accidentally killing one or two team mates in the confusion of battle while we were all being burned by oil.

Anyway, I thought it was just a normal kick to just ban me from the current session, and now I have tried to join again after around 5 hours and I am still unable to join.

Can someone please either unban me as I am a frequent player on the SM servers or explain to me what I have done.

P.S. I was raging a bit because I was playing archer and I haven't done that for donkeys years, but I wasn't intentionally teamkilling or anything

Love Stupid fat hobbit xxx
Odd as have never had issues with you before. (And it wasn't me that made the ban ) If no one replies to this will lift the ban
I gave the ban. My intention was to make it temporary, because I've never had any problems with you either but in the thick of battle (and people screaming and shouting over chat) it was easier to quickly click a button and ask for removal within a few days.

Nonetheless, you were being a bitch in the chat and I saw your name pop up at least three time in teamkill related incidents in under a minute. I also vaguely remember one being done with a vanguard sword. There were people on your team crying 'teamkiller' and when I looked at the scoreboard, your score was dropping dramatically. I was in no mood for any shit really, so I decided a nice time-off was in order. The 'teamkiller' cries did stop once you were gone, which raised an eyebrow. Didn't think you were the type for it. Still don't, honestly.

Unfortunately I have yet to make a habit of making screenshots of these incidents, so my apologies for the lack of proof.

As for the ban, it can be lifted today at about 2 pm GMT or so. That would make it roughly 24 hours. You may consider it a very stern warning. Hope this is acceptable to all.
Stupid Fat Hobbit!
Alright cheers man,

I honestly didn't mean to teamkill anyone, it was just that as i was swinging at the attacking masons we were being killed by oil and unfortunately I happened to hit teammates on low health, and you know that I'm not one to intentionally teamkill.

Oh well, thanks anyway and I'll try to keep teamkills to a minimum if I can.
Stupid Fat Hobbit!
Yeah, sorry to bring this up again, but i'm still banned and haven't been able to go on the Carnage server since you set the first ban, can you please just unban me! smile.gif
hey, just checked and you should be unbanned now
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