Thanks for taking the time to answer. I'll go over DeadCanDance's answer point by point a last time, so here goes nothing.
First of all I'd like point out again that the incident leading to my ban was the first time in two weeks after my break that I got even remotely involved in any shit, and I feel you misread the situation.
The russian guy was a troll deadcandance. You say you have logs, use them. There are many like them, constantly kicking people of ledges, bridges etc etc. This leads to damage/deaths/annoyance and since "it's only a kick" there is nothing I can do about it. The minute Turbomidget announced he left the server he started. He mad the first move (kicking me off the spawn) which is a direct violation of your rules. A sneaky troll who grabs his chance the second an admin leaves (a normal vote will never kick him, you know this, so he knows he is 'safe') pissed me off on what was already a bad day for me.
So yes I killed him for it. Against your retaliation rule but what else would you have me do? Trolls troll because it works and because they can. This is the way it works in all games. There was no admin online and vote kicks don't work, is it retaliation? Sure. Calling trolls out on their shit and making their trolling not work is what ultimately MIGHT stop them from doing it again. Not to mention doing nothing against me is effectively letting the troll win. Weighing this against your retaliation rule made me think it was worth it, and not unreasonable.
So I killed him, I let him kill me back and the matter was over for me. However he kept attacking and killing me throughout the game long after I stopped against him. He also tried to kick more people off the bridge in the second round. All your logs have to support this, because it's true. Later in that game you came online so I brought the matter to your attention (this was in the last round after more deaths by russian guy) instead of killing him again like the old me would do. In light of me deciding not to be a dick anymore on your servers and actually going your way about it the result is what pissed me off so much. I recognized and apologized for worse behavior so the fact that I received my first kick (so I thought, let alone a permaban) for this surprised me and those who played with me at the time. Again especially since you decided not to kick the russian guy (which is impossible according to your own rules) I feel your actions on the matter were heavily biased.
As for the general behavior "sneezing" part you are right to some extend, but I feel it's largely a straw man. I did retaliate to people, but not for random arrows and accidental TKs. Some TKs do annoy me, and I would certainly tell people to watch their swings or something like that, but would not kill them for it. As people who actually play with me know, I blame myself more often than others for FF because I have an aggressive (and greedy

) play style with a lot of weird movement.
Since this is all at least 2 months ago I can't remember every incident. I am sure I killed some people that were not the trolls I thought they were at the time and I apologized for that. The inability to kick people through the in game vote system (it got slightly better after they introduced the data) combined with an absence of admins (first months I started on your servers, it got better the last few months) built up a lot of annoyance, to the point where I chose to act against it. By the time admins started to show up more I guess my expectations of their abilities were too high, and my standards for behavior appeared to differ from yours.
(I'll get to the "boundaries of what would be acceptable" in a minute.)
I am aware of the hypocrisy in my actions (and in that last sentence

). However I do believe it was generally justified (as I said before I wrongly assumed you agreed on this). I largely react to rule breaking instead of instigating it (again, with probably some bad judgments along the way which I apologized for). For every game in which I caused a fuss there were a ton more games which everything was fine.
I can't remember when I said what you claim I said and in what context I said it so it's pointless for me to talk about that more specifically.
Continuous admin harassment is frankly a large hyperbole. There are admins who do a good job I feel, and there are some who could take it more seriously. It's a matter of opinion. Since an admins word is law, regardless of whether he/she is making any sense at all, I picked my battles carefully. There have been heated arguments over admin performance and fundamental debates on rules and behavior, however I am confident I had constructive or logical arguments behind each time I brought up an issue.
I always laugh at people attacking admins randomly since it's an easy way to get kicked/banned. I would not start a fuss with an admin unless I had a solid reason backed up with logical arguments, and like I said before I wrongly assumed no real offense would be taken in these discussions. If you can show me a log that shows I irrationally attacked admins I'd be surprised, and I would apologize for that if it were true.
The negativity associated with these arguments has largely come from other players arguing alongside me, which I also pointed out before. If my harassment was even remotely as severe as you claim it is I don't see how I have never had a real warning / kick / short ban before.
As for the archer coward thing, yes that was childish

However I never said it with any rage/anger towards them. It was more trollish friendly banter. If 75% of your deaths is consistently caused by 4 people hiding in the back they might annoy you as much as they annoy me. I do not mean that as an excuse. But like I said it was never more than friendly banter between enemies for me, and the archers themselves have rarely taken offense to it. Mostly they like it because they mistake it for rage, which makes them feel better about their kills. Third parties took more offense to this than anyone else. Like I said it was childish, and if it has offended you I am sorry, but I doubt it has. However since I started playing less chiv I stopped doing this as your logs will once again prove so I see no reason to dwell on this.
Saying my behavior was sitting on the boundaries of what would be acceptable is a correct assessment. I am a pragmatist more than a rager, so this was by choice. I realize this caused annoyance. I knew some admins would not like me for it. However a simple "I know what you are doing Baba, stop it now or get banned" would have sufficed. It never occurred to me that you guys would go straight for the permaban instead of communicating your opinion on the matter. Like I said before even the most heated arguments have never led to a single kick or serious warning, and I have also backed off on your request more than once.
The fact is you never gave me a chance to reform or better myself, something I have never seen in any game or gaming community. I know I can, and I feel I have given you enough evidence to show you I can. I feel my reasoning within this thread has shown that to start with, but I know actions speak louder than words. Since I started playing chivalry casually I have done so without a single incident. I still get annoyed by the same things but this time I chose to let it go, like I do in all other games.
I am asking you one last time to lift the ban. I feel that between my apologies and my arguments in this thread it is not unreasonable to ask for a second chance. Being banned for over a week has given me your 'enough is enough' message, which I always assumed to get in another fashion. I have shown you I can behave, and I would like to continue to do so.