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Full Version: Ban appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
BraiN TumoR

I have been banned from limited archer server few days/weeks ago but i dont know why. I didnt kill any teammate, didnt use the chat for insulting
and didnt trolling. Could anyone tell me why i'm banned. As i rembember i ve been kicked when i used the catapult.
I really like this server so i would happy if i could play on that again. (sorry for bad english)

Do you know who banned you or which admin was playing at the time you were banned?
BraiN TumoR
Unfortunately i didnt see any admins.
Ban shouldn't be lifted anyway even if its just for that stupid name of yours.
BraiN TumoR
Yes, that name may disturb others so i already changed it.
Is it possible to unban my ip or i will be banned forever?
Depends on who banned you and why. We'll give the others a few days to respond. If no one answers and you have indeed changed your name, there's the posibility of lifting the ban.
BraiN TumoR
Thank you for help.
BraiN TumoR
Is there any news from appeal? Now i have been banned the charnage server too. I dont know how because i have dont played on it since months:D

I've removed the bans on both servers
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