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Full Version: Bishie here, wanting to join Chilvary
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hello Monkeys

My name is Bishie used to go by the name Flutterbish, I play mostly Chivalry at the moment though also play Planetside 2. I am almost 30 years old from Wales. I have a long gaming history from consoles as a kiddie, to Quake 3 on PC up until now. I dont believe anyone is really interested in my gaming history, it would take up a lot of space here.

Earlier, Jen mentioned SM are recruiting so I thought I would come and put in an application.

I play almost daily on Chivalry, and exclusively to the sneakymonkey servers. Rarely do I venture out elsewhere. Especially because I wont find Farmer there.

I am familiar with and play with some of the admins already. I spend most of my Chiv time waiting.....praying for the arrival of Farmer and then giving my life to the protection of the holy one himself. This accounts for a good slice of my chiv time, but I do also kill the enemy and attempt objectives.

As for skills, I am very adept at using voice commands, VERY adept.

I am not applying to become an admin and become powerful on the servers, it doesn't interest me at all really. It would be nice, if I am on and someone is being an arse, but an afterthought. I am applying because from the guys I see regular, SM and none SM, I like. I have only been kicked once, and well it was kind of alright, as I threw a fire pot at a friend who kicked me and ran away, so out of context I can see why.

I am applying because I like to be part of a community. I do already play in one from Planetside 2 called Better red than dead or BRTD, and we enjoy quite a good relationship with the devs of SOE Sony online and have appeared in many trailers and adverts for the game or streams. BRTD do play multiple games, but I am the only one who plays Chiv, though we do have BRTD chiv nights on quiet PS2 nights, it has got a bit lonely for me during chiv time until recently, thanks to the SM guys and a few other regulars.

If there is anything else you wish to know, feel free to ask.


thanks for the post, will put a vote in the members section biggrin.gif
Thanks Meowric smile.gif
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