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Full Version: Could I get an unban please?
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hey -

I was on the Sneakymonkeys Wolfslair 24/7 Black Knight server yesterday and got banned from it. I don't know if it's just temporary or permanent so I figured I'd come here and ask to be unbanned because that server owns. I ended up getting banned in an effort to get rid of the tkers on the Agatha team that was going on, I think. I'd joined the server like five minutes before and walked into a massive tkfest going on mostly being caused by two clan guys who wound everyone else up. One of the admins said no more tking or bans would happen and joined the Agatha team and kicked a couple people. As I was standing next to the admin one of the clan guys was using a sling and throwing rocks at everyone and hit me. I went over and kicked him, not stabbed, and got banned immediately after. The only reason I tked anyone during that game was either in self defense or as revenge as people were wildly swinging everywhere. I stopped after the admin said stop and only kicked the guy who was continuing to try to decap people with his sling. I didn't try to tk him.

I'm hoping you guys will lift the ban because I recently found that server and it's great.

don't think it was me that made the ban, one of the other guys will have to check this and post
No I don't think you were on the server at the time, can't remember who the admins were though.

edit: looks like I was either unbanned or it was just temporary
Well, looks like someone unbanned you tongue.gif
Was it me? Was it me who banned him? I bet it was me. I can be a huge bitch on the wolfslair server.
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