Jan 4 2014, 02:08 PM
Hi guys, i borrowed my account to my brother and after 2 months me not playing,he got me kicked from a few servers.. Now i don't mind other servers but SM is the best one, and i would really like if you removed a ban for me... I changed my pass, and he won't playing under my name anymore... My name is Krieger now, was Dr Grozozo a while ago... Thank you for understanding... And happy new year
Jan 4 2014, 10:17 PM
I checked the ban logs and the Krieger account was previously banned for excessive/repeated trolling (by Jen), then unbanned with an explicit warning, then banned again for racist language. (by Meowric by the looks of the IP)
As I'm sure you can understand, when issuing a ban the most common excuse we see is that brother/sister/friend etc., got the account banned. Normally on less severe matters we'd give the benefit of the doubt, however in this case the behaviour was severe/repeated enough that we'll not chance to lift the ban.
As such the only way around it would be a new steam account/copy of the game.