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Full Version: Kicked and Banned for no apparent reason
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Vlad the Impaler
Hi, I was playing chivalry on your 50 player carnage server, minding my own business, when I get kicked (no reason specified) from the server. This was no votekick, unless I missed it, but I'm 99% sure the admin kicked me. Also it was only a few minutes into the game and I had done nothing to piss anyone off. Now, I don't know whether I killed the admin and they got annoyed and kicked me (which if it is the case, is unacceptable) , but I'm not happy at all because I am now banned and can't rejoin the SM 50 player carnage server and I love that server. I was kicked just after 8pm and the map was Citadel, my Chivalry name is 'Vlad the Impaler'. If you could please look into this and do something about it because at the moment I feel this is pretty unfair. Thanks.
I'm not currently around (visiting family for xmas) however if the admin that made the ban hasn't posted here then will look into it tomorrow when I get back home
i did unban him/her temporarily if ban reason is not shows up it will be permanent.

Sorry for the problem that we cause.

Best Regards.

edit:You may able to connect servers again , if any trouble with connecting please let me know.
Cool thanks
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