"Instead of stating your case and asking for the ban to be removed you have chosen to have a dig at the admin in your 2nd point."
That's my case in the 1 post, any narky?
"Hi, I think it was 1 or 2 days ago when I was banned from Limited Archer to UK EU.
When I try to connect it says 'Your IP adress has been banned from the current game session.'
It also banned me from your other server, 50 player carnage UK EU.
I remember clearly, that i didn't done anything wrong, it was the middle of the darkforest map and we captured the point near the gates, i killed several enemies and waited near the point, suddenly, i received a kick with no reason. As i say before, i didn't write anything in the chat, i didn't TK anyone, there was no any reports from other players etc. I played enough time on these servers and there was no even kicks of me before."
That's answer from your admin, very polite.
"i send you several warnings but it look liked
you can't even read my warnings."
So, when the admin is rude to polite request - its fine and when the user don't accept it and answered the same way - it's "narky". If your admins choose that way of talking and u think it's fine, ok, i got your point, but to be honest, after that kind of answer, i loose any wish to play on your servers.
DithyrambiqueWell, i am glad that your superior covered you this time and maybe you feel youself very comfortable and that allow you to mock innocent people even now. I am pretty sure, we both know who was right and who was wrong in this situation and i understand why u ban me. The last thing i want to say to you, that i have a looong game experience in many online games from CS to our days and the admins of your type (in game and in talking) always ended the same way. Anyway, enjoy yourself while you can. Cheers.