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Full Version: requesting unban
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
So I was permanently banned yesterday from both of the SM servers without a warning.
I would like to apologize for my behavior - I deliberately attacked my teammembers on the spawn point at the end of the game beacause of loosing.
I dont consider myself as an abusive player, and neither should you. This won't happen again.

Please unban me.


It wasn't me , other admins can respond to that. (i know you from many game session , i believe your intention was not on purpose ( regularly smile.gif )

If any question , please don't hesitate.

Best Regards.

I made the ban after I watched you killing several players, then me, then some more players tongue.gif

I'll lift the ban, but if there's any future issues of intentional TK then it'll be made perma again.

I don't normally bother with warnings - since the rules spam fairly often intentional TK and racism = ban


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