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Full Version: Requesting unban.
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hi, I think it was 2 days ago that I was banned from Limited Archer to UK EU.
When I try to connect it says 'Your IP adress has been banned from the current game session.'
It also banned me from your other server, 50 player carnage UK EU.

I'm not sure why I was kicked, but I think it had to do with my name, or something I said ingame, although I never got a warning (or never saw it, before I was kicked).
My nephew and I played a different game a day before or so, and his name was Josef Stalin, so he asked me to change my name to Adolf Hitler, and I did.
I didn't bother changing it when playing a different game, and I didn't know it was against the rules in this server, otherwise I would've just changed it before joining.

I also said something ingame, which I think caused the kick because I was kicked soon after.
I said something tactical, then someone said "Right, listen to Hitler" or something like that. Then I said "guys we need more concentration." as a joke.

My apologies if I broke the rules, I didn't mean to, and I didn't know about the rules.
Please unban me, because I enjoy your servers and I'm never a teamkiller or anything, and my ping is low. Thanks.
I've changed my name into something more appropriate.
I don't think I was online when this happened, we will have to see which admin made the ban. thx
Uhm it wasn't me.At least im not banning players in these days .(maybe 2-3 bans - intentionally tk )

If no one owns up to this one, I'll lift the ban later tonight
It was me, we never knows if the player behind the char is serious or not, so i just ban on sight when i see this kind of awkward names.

Edit : You're unbanned henceforth don't make same mistake wink.gif

Best regards, Dithy.
Thanks, but I tried to join today and both servers still give me the same message when I try to join.
"Your IP adress has been banned from the current game session."
Could you check again for me please?
It's possible there's a couple of hitler in the ban list (!) - what's you ingame name please? or steam profile (so I can work out the GUID)?
My ingame name is FaNaTiC and my steam profile is

For some reason the adolf hitler ban was added back in :s - might have been the script that merges the banlists doing silly buggery. Both servers say you are unbanned atm
Thanks Monkey, I tried both servers and got in fine now.
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