Dec 8 2013, 03:39 PM
i've registered here to say sorry that i neglected admins orders and behaved inappropriate. Although admin said, that the n word shouldn't be used, i did for fun (with a wink), an he banned me (rightly)
since i'm playing on your server for months, i ask you to unban me and give me another chance (since this is my first wrongdoing)
grz cthulhu
Dec 8 2013, 04:35 PM
Well when i say don't use this word & just right after that you say 'nigger' ...that was a little dumb at my opinion.
So now, you're gonna wait Monkey & his mighty unban tool

Best regards, Dithy.
Dec 8 2013, 05:22 PM
Just sign in on iPad so can't urban. Although admins are able urban themselves via the console command 'adminunban ???' Where ??? Is the player name.
Your choice dithyrambique, whether you want to unban him or not. I tend to just leave racist language bans as permanent myself, but your call whether you want to give the guy a chance or not.
Anyway, let me know if you want me to unban him, I can do it later tonight when I get home (or unban him yourself if you want)
Dec 8 2013, 06:16 PM
I know. this was dumb... i was in a kind of everything is funny mood and wanted to make a little joke, which i shouldn't have written with my brain off. In my opinion a permaban would be hard, cause this was the first time i wrote racist words in a chat.
I would describe myself as a fair player... sometimes a little emotional, but always respectful
Dec 8 2013, 07:24 PM
If you need i can do unban. Let me know Dithy ^^
Dec 9 2013, 03:38 AM
I know, i know, i used to be a troll Cthulhu so next time just don't play with racism.
You're unbanned !
Best regards, Dithy.
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