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Full Version: I was banned by dirty Bob and Mad Yennefer
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
I play on your servers everyday. They are my favorites.

I hurt Mad Yennefer at the catapult, because he never stop teamkilling. I told him many many times to stop. But he continued...

The catapult is a nightmare. Everyday Agatha lose, because there is a selfish man who wants to do a lot of kills with catapult, unstead of helping team... and TK TK TK TK TK TK. So i was forced to beat him to death... sorry, but he didn't understand when i talked to him and when i kicked him...

Then, I was banned by Bob and his boyfriend Mad Yennefer. angry.gif angry.gif angry.gif
Hi, I received a report of intentional TKing. I logged in and confirmed that you had deliberately TKed/damaged teammates on the cata.

It doesn't matter if someone on the cata is bad - in this case ask them to leave the cata or votekick them.

TKing a teammate on a cata is not acceptable. As such I (not bob/yennefer) issued a 24 hour ban on the servers.

You're welcome to rejoin after this, if you wish.
Thx boss

I was sure you were good men here, and truth will win. smile.gif
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