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Full Version: Banned in limited archer TO server - MadYennefer
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
I don't have any idea why i'm banned from server - its 3 days since I can't join the game. I have no description about reason of ban. I didn't recieve any ingame warning regarding any behaviour.

Please un ban me.

Best regards,

You have been banned for intentionaly team kill/damage.
Are u kidding me? Me? Im always at the top of the team! I never was teamkilling on purpose. I was kicked littelary in situation when some guy from team was attacking me during my catapult ussage - I fight him back so I wouldn't die Oo and for that I go banned? Im one of the best players at this server and everyone know i've never ever EVER TK on purpose.

From that reason - please unban me.
So you are saying(meaning ) you killed him accidently biggrin.gif (fighting back ? really ? ) because player was doing intentionaly damage to you ? (may be he was protecting him/herself from you , what makes you right in this situation ? )

Maybe you are one of the BEST player in this server but it doesnt give you right to kill or hit someone from ur

own team even they are hitting you intentionaly.You should report to the admin via forum or in game

(if admins are online )

Also im sure you are not one of the best player

Check these logs you are about 91. line or something.

***I will lift your ban in 24 hours.

If i see your intentionaly teamkill or damage to your team you will get ban permanently.
Thanks for unban in those 24 hours, will report back as soon as will be unbanned.

For the record:

Im at 81 place with just 28.38 time played. Also there is 46670 players or ranks, so 81 IS one of the best players - not to mention there is hight possibility of players not playing above and below my rank.

Also - I've reported many times intentional TK if admin was online via ALL chat. Also I never vote kick w/o reason - and if i do - I write on ALL chat about intentional TK.

More over - Whenever I hit my team from swing and couse death by it - I say sorry on ALL chat.

Not to mention I've never just attack other player in my team for any purpose intentionaly - exept defending myself.

Many times i've just blocked the hits and ignored players who tryed TK me - some times they just give up, but some times the only way to play normaly - if they don't give up - is to fight back and run so they can't catch up.

Often when I call a right vote - players don't press YES just because there are many votes to kick somebody - w/o reason. I understand that - but admin is not so often online so I can report every case. Forum report takes time and players whos abusing rules - would rather go offline by him self then be kicked by admin.
Apothecary Sareth
Just for the record. Most of the other players do not play Vanguard and do nothing else but running around in a crowd full of foes and swinging their sword in circles looking like a copter.
I do hope you are the only one that uses stats to show how good a player is porsuk.
i didnt get what you say but im sure you didnt understand whole topic tongue.gif
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