Nov 26 2013, 08:22 PM
Steam name Bob.
Steam user: Shoootmeee.
Can't seem to get on the limited archer TO server, saying my IP is banned (for this current game session) well either this is the longest game session (bout 2 hrs of trying) or it is a ban. I was playing fine last night but suddenly I coulnd't get on today.
Best regards Bob.
Nov 26 2013, 08:28 PM
Yes, you have been banned for intentionally team kill / damage.
-You killed me without reason.- i kicked you - you came again try to explain why you killed me. ( the reason was i initiated votekick to some player in game ???- that is what you told )
-I explained the situtation then you said are we good ? - i said yes " we were good ". - After that you kicked me by foot and few archer players from top of the hill to the shore. - I warned you - You said "i had to do it " .I didn't banned you and kicked you. I just i warned you again ???. After a day later you throw fire pots on purpose to players included me - Then i decided , i gave you too much credit then i banned you.
Nov 26 2013, 08:37 PM
Porsuk, yes I killed you, but I stated my reason there, though it wasn't a valid reason, it atleast was one.
And I'll post the reason here; I tought I saw your name intinate a votekick on someone who had 1%team dmg and I killed you thinking you were just one guy putting up votekicks on people for shits and giggles. I apologized and said I was wrong on that count.
Yes, I kicked you down a ledge and I tought we did that in all good fun without some reason to go bananas and butthurt due to you might loose 1 k/d or have to run back up again. Me personally wouldn't think squat shit of it.
And yes, I purposly threw the firepots at the archers that were sitting in the spawn doing no good for our team, the firepots would not kill them, merly obscure their vision and get them to move either closer to our objective or enemies so they could provide better help.
Well I'm not gonna go on a whole damn rampagne of "YOU POWERSICK PRICK! I've gotten kicked of a ledge and killed by a guy before and he NEVER GOT BANNED" type of stuff, but you got to see the whole perspective, in the about, I dunno odd 40+ hrs I've spent on the server I have not gottan that shitton of complaints, or have I?
And I would also like a 3rd party member to weiv over this (Should have no personal connections with you nor me.).
As always, best regards: Bob.
Nov 26 2013, 09:01 PM
First of all ,
-You were not just kicked me from hill you tried to kick other archer players who were at the edge with me . If you kicked me only at the hill , your reason could be understandable.
- If i was powersick prick , i could ban you when you were killed me without reason , am i wrong ? Instead of banning you i kicked you for warning , then i gvie you warning for your foot kick
- You can't throw fire pot just you don't like who were trying to learn archering or having fun with archery ?Because these players maybe fresh player in game and may not understand your
actions.They may react to hit you with anger or smthing.If that happens tell me how should i know who started fight ? ( one of side who says 40 hrs + played in our server at the other side just started to the game )
- You may chat with me in game for a while but that doesnt mean i let you do whatever you like in game.I have responsibility here , i dont care you are my friend , my wife or child.Rules are simple and obivious.
- You played 40 hrs + in our server yet u are no aware of intentionaly teamkill / damage rule ? Really ?
Nov 26 2013, 09:16 PM
Then you gotta ban me of the other server aswell due to the fact that did happen on the carnage server. And yes I do seem your point of weiv.
Never called you out as beeing powersick, just poking a stick on the fact that it could seem that way sometimes.
Well no, I didn't think that one thru', yes it probably was selfish, but you did not stop and give me one second to apologize before you kick me, talking stuff out actually can help and solve lots of problems.
And if one of them hit me in anger and you were faced with the question who started the fight? Well a pro tip is; ask.
Well didn't know how little room you had for "fun" inside the game or "practial jokes" it's not that it emotinally hurted you nor did it destroy your precious K/D ? Well i get "principales principales" etc.
Yes, yes I'm aware of the rule, but you are twisting my words around, I could do the same to you, but i do not see a good reason for it.
I'll state what i said again and highlite the words you might have had a problem putting into context.
"but you got to see the whole perspective, in the about, I dunno odd 40+ hrs I've spent on the server I HAVE NOT GOTTEN THAT SHITTON OF COMPLAINS, OR HAVE I?"
I never said: I've played here 40+ hrs and didn't get the rules at all.
I rather stated the fact that I've been here for around 40 hrs and have not gotten any complaints by other players (that I've been aware off!)
And aswell you seemed to not read the whole thing, well, b'cus you didn't give any form of reply about the request for a 3rd person's weiv.
Well to make it short; you've 3 reasons as I see it, 1tk you for a mistake we BOTH squared up on due to some misreading from MY part (Even tho you were so god damn unresonable over that fact that I had to spell it out for you about 4 times in game before you did read it fully and not read it mid way and go "WHEN WHERE WHAT!" and seem to rage the f*ck out over it) 2. Kicked you down and tried to kick some other archers down off the ledge.
3. threw firepots at campers in the so to say our spawn.
So basically: 1x intentionale team kill (due to mistake that was cleared up, therefore should have no needs to be in here at all, and if it wasn't cleared up why would you say we're good? or do you hold grudges?) 2x of intentionale team dmg in form of kicking and 1 account of firepots towards 2 people (and might have hit you, I did not see it, not calling you a liar, I just stating my opinion and I did not see you on fire.)
Best regards: Bob.
Nov 26 2013, 09:33 PM
-you are not only player i need to take care his/her complains in game . As you can see i am not some kind a ruler bot or something to kick or warn people while in game.While we were chatting i was talking in real life from my living room with someone else.English is not my native language also
-When you killed me without reason "i asked why you killed me " " all you said is you did vote start player who have %1 team damage " If you think for a moment " i am god damm admin
in this game " Do i need to start votekick to kick some1 from game ?
I'm starting votekick for 2 reason -
1-) One of them i need see their percentege of their teamkill / then i can cancel that votekick (which you mentioned about %1 , if i did that votekick,i' am sure , i canceled it )
2-) sometimes admin panel get buggy.It gives votekick spam when i try to kick or ban someone.
You choosed kill me first instead of asking to me why did you started votekick but it is not an issue.Because we solved this by chatting you asked "are we good " i said yes , didnt i ?
The thing is you do intentionally teamkill/damage to other players because you don't like their position ? Really ,you are defending that argue ?
Nov 26 2013, 09:43 PM
No, I get that you're not a bot or what not, but I still didn't get a warning for the kicks nor the firepot (english is not my native language aswell)
Well dude, you didn't have =SM= tag so I didn't have any ability to spot "OH HEY THERE! He's an admin".
And yes, I killed you first before aksing due to the fact that most people who put out random votekicks NEVER reply, like I've never experienced anyone who puts out random votekicks to reply.
And the 1.2 reasons you had, how could I ever known you were an admin?
And if that point is allready "good" etc, why need to bring it up? Like if we were good that wouldn't be a part of the problem right now; we cleared it up, it was a mistake from my part, I apologized-out of the world when you acceptet the apology.
No, I do not defend that argue, I've allready stated that I did that without thinking. Only reason it keeps coming up in that form is: It was the reason why I did it, It was a bad move I admitt, but I CAN NOT change the reason now. I hope you do under stand that.
Nov 26 2013, 09:44 PM
Well I'll be keeping out of this thread

although did want to clarify if the bans stands it does get copied to the other servers as a cron job. Normally every couple of days.
Nov 27 2013, 04:07 PM
Your ban remains for 5 days. (So it started with your ban appeals time )
- I'm sure you knew i am admin while you were killing me.Even if you didnt know that doesnt mean you can kill someone who start votekick to someone. (killing me without no reason is not main problem here because we solved this.I bring up that you understand you can't kill anyone no matter what the problem is.- You just report to directly admins via forum or p.m )
- You can't do intentionally team kill /damage even if they are camping or just walking around without doing nothing like who cries in game "Help me" etc. Because these players are having fun without killing someone in their teams ,so you should try get fun.
-When your ban lifted ,if you repeat same action , i don't care your thoughts about camping or anything similar like here you will get ban,permanently.
Best Regards.
Nov 27 2013, 07:22 PM
Thank you, I see that as a fitting punishment and i accept it.
Okay, will keep that in mind next time

I'm gonna stop 100% with intentionale team dmg towards people.
Best regards: Bob.
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