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Full Version: Unbann request
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Good evening
I was banned on your Chivalry 50 slots Carnage server yesterday. I was banned for intentional teamkilling, and I 've nothing on my defense. I acted very unfair due to my anger. I just wanted to apologize and ask for removing this ban.
I love playing on your servers and I am really sorry for my behaviour. I can ensure you this won't happen again and one more time I ask you to remove this ban, please.
I hope for a quick consideration
Rick Brzetyslawy
If i remember correctly you killed me and other players on purpose.

At this moment i will do unban you but if you do this action or do not obey other rules ,you will get permanent ban.

Have fun.
Thank you, and i promise this wont happen again smile.gif
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