Sir Failalot
Oct 6 2013, 10:35 PM
Good day,
I was just IP banned from one of Sneaky Monkey's 50 player Chivalry server (I believe it's the one called '50 player carnage'). I don't know by who, but it looks like MD Porsuk was the only admin on the server, so I suppose he was the one who did. I also wasn't informed of the reason why I was banned, but I think it was because of the fact that I made some rude comments toward a fellow member (non-racist in nature), which I suppose could be interpreted as that I deliberatly teamkilled him (I did accidentally teamkill this person).
I would like to appeal this ban because of the following reasons:
1. The person that I accidentally teamkilled made (as far as I'm aware) no complaint about my teamkill, which was the first or second I made in that match, while my k/d ratio showed that my efforts were focussed only on killing as many enemies as possible.
2. At no point was I notified that being rude to a fellow teammate (in a non-racist way) would result in a direct IP ban with no further warning offered. Nor was my behavior or choice of words worse then that of other players on the server at that current time.
3. I'm convinced that my behaviour in the past months on the Sneaky Monkey servers has given no reason to consider me a disruptive player, a racist, a regular teamkiller or anything else of the sort.
Besides that, I do have some feedback about the performance of one of your administrators.
While I don't wish to personally insult MD Porsuk, I do believe that the choices he makes as admin are less then ideal. Besides his less then perfect grasp of the English language, I have noticed that he offers no warning about behaviour before kicking or banning, resulting in the removal of players who were unaware that they violated rules (those that aren't mentioned in the yellow text that regulary gets shown in the chat window). He also seems unwilling or unable to make an effort to find the players actually responsible for a unruly or unpleasant atmosphere in the server, but in stead chooses to kick or ban anyone that gets somehow involved in the argument going in (for example: if 2 players are having an ugly fight, and 4 others comment on it in some way, he chooses to expel all 6 players, in stead of the 2 respnsible).
I sincerely hope that you take my request under consideration, and that I will be able to play on your server (which I enjoy immensely) in the near future.
Sir Failalot.
Oct 6 2013, 11:01 PM
I wasn't only admin in online when you are insulting someone.
Yes , i banned because of your swearing.insulting.That is the reason.It is not just for it , you are always doing that in chat to other players.I can't warn all people in server one by one.As you can see in forum , there are rules you should read ..
Today i kicked you once for your attitude , then you came online and asked why ?I answered it ,you keep continue to swearing,insulting.That is the result of you get ban.I warned you once,so you cant say i didnt warn you at all.
About kicking and banning other people, yes, i kick people who is arguing (insulting) each other if i didn't catch up their arguments at the very begining.That is the only logical move i can make.Also if
i do that choice, i do not ban people , i am kicking people from the server because they can take a break for moment then think about what are they doing.After people relogs ,usually
they are not arguing each other.
So when you are not reading server rules , how can i help your attitude ? If you realise your attitude is not good and not fit our rules ,you will see the reason of ban.
Best Regards.
can see logs from yesterday, so assume the chatlogging plugin was down

was this guy banned for arguing/swearing/insults on the server with you or with another player? :S
Oct 7 2013, 02:05 PM
QUOTE (Jen @ Oct 7 2013, 10:47 AM)

can see logs from yesterday, so assume the chatlogging plugin was down

was this guy banned for arguing/swearing/insults on the server with you or with another player? :S
He argued with me yesterday i didn't ban him i kicked him as a warning.He came online again after he got kicked asked "why did you do that ?".I answered it ,he still continued to whinning about it.I
didn't do anything.After few hours later he logged in and started insulting and swearing to someone.
After that arguments i banned him.As he wrote , he was aware his comments were rude .(with me and with other players who argued)
Before yesterday he was swearing,insulting to other people.I didn't give any warning before yesterday.Mostly i don't care about insults,swearing if they directed to me as i did yesterday.Because it
clouds judgement if you have power.When the topic comes to defend other player rights these clouds goes away.So i can use power fairly in the line of rules.
Sir Failalot
Oct 7 2013, 03:25 PM
Hello once again,
While I understand Porsuk's reasoning, I don't agree with it, nor do I think it's factually accurate. To my knowledge, at no point did I express myself in a disrespectful manner towards Porsuk (if he has examples to the contrary, I would love to hear them), neither did I 'whine' about being kicked (once again, if there are examples to the contrary, please let me hear them). I made a rude comment towards a fellow player, which was intended to be funny (though I realise it's offensivenes).
My problems with the reasoning used by Porsuk are the following:
1. I only received an explanation about my kicking after I rejoined and asked why I was kicked, if I hadn't taken initiative, I would still be in the dark about the reason. I think the responsibility of letting a player know he is in violation of the rules, and that there will be consequences if he does not change his actions, rests on the shoulders of the administrator in question.
2. There was no warning that my behavior would lead to removal of the server, nor does the server (to my knowledge) mention that there are additional rules that can lead to banning, next to the racism and teamkill rule. I was therefore unaware that I was in violation of any rule, nor was this mentioned to me before I got IP banned (I was banned directly after making the remark). The fact that my earlier kick was meant as some sort of warning, was not made clear. Especially since this was in a different game, earlier on the day. That another rude comment would lead to my banning was never communicated, nor that I should consider myself warned for an extended period of time. I think it's unfair to expect of people that they know all the server rules, when there is no mention made of additional rules next to the ones displayed on the server.
3. Porsuk (and other admins) regulary tolerate this and similar behavior from me and other players. Because of a lack of uniformed approach (where one admin tolerates certain beavior, and another doesn't. Or where one admin tolerates behavior one day, and considers it a bannable offense on the other day), there is no way of knowing when you are in violation of the rules, and when you aren't. This awakens the suggestion that wether to IP ban or not (which I consider a harsh punishment) are left to the mood swings of a single moderator.
4. If the argument is that I 'always' do this, why was this never told to me before? It would let me know that my presence was considered disruptive (which I was unaware of, since few players complain about me or my playstyle as far as I'm aware), and it would give me a chance to adjust my behavior, which I was now denied.
5. If the argument is that I was banned to protect other players rights, why was there no complaint made about me by the player in question= There seems to be no way of knowing if a players needs or wants ´protection´ from a mod, if he does not talk about it.
I hope that these arguments will clarify my position.
And though I feel sorry for once again singling him out, I do believe that Porsuk's method is to 'shoot first, ask questions later'. IE: using his powers as administrator before actually entering a conversation with someoen considered disruptive. I can't imagine another admin that bans as many people as he does.
Sir Failalot.
Oct 7 2013, 04:20 PM
i am sure you still didn't read the rules in forum for the server.Please read rules first when you do accusation to someone.
That image shows why i kicked you ,

Also , i am trying to convert video which included you and a few players who are trolling people by kicking and doing intentionally tk then try to votekick to him,but in that video you typed Vote " NO " yet you were still trolling.
I spared my time to convert videos and searching about over 600 images which i took to get specific one .I have a job and i have to feed my family yet , i am still argue with someone who doen't
care to read server rules and still whinning -complaning about me personally. (not the rules ) You may not like me , that is ok for me , i don't care but you have to obey server rules which i care.
I don't like the fancy words ,you didn't obey the rules , disrespect the stuff and insulted the people. periot.
Sir Failalot
Oct 7 2013, 04:39 PM
First of all: I don't dislike you, nor anyone else on these forums or on this server. To me, you are a random person on the internet that I never met nor ever will meet. I don't have any particular feelings about anyone I meet on the net. I just disagree with the choices you make as a moderator.
That you have a family to feed is, I can imagine, a tiring task. However, it has no relation to the position you take as moderator, nor does it somehow exempt you from criticism about the way you handle your job. Wether you like or dislike the way I express myself (using 'fancy words', as you call it) has no bearing on this discussion. If you find anything disrespectful about the way I handle this conversation, please tell me where.
Your example shows nothing else then the example I already mentioned. I was rude to a teammate, which could be misinterpreted as that I purposely teamkilled this person. I have already explained that this was not the case.
The rest of my points have not been refuted. And once again: how can I know that I broke the forum rules, if nothing on the server in question indicated that there are more rules besides the ones being displayed on the server? And how was I to know that my behavior was ban worthy, when you and other admins tolerate this and similar behavior on a regular basis?
If you can refute the points that I made, please do. However, simply repeating what you already say, without touching on any of the essence of my point, does nothing to convince me that my ban was justified.
As a clarification: I understand now that the words I used were considered disruptive. Should the ban be repealed, I will adjust my behavior to reflect the server's rules, that I'm now aware of.
Sir Failalot.
Well how do we want to proceed with this?
Porsuk do you want to unban him and give him a final chance or do you want this ban to remain?
Oct 7 2013, 04:54 PM
If you can find this forum after you got kicked , you could always find this forum before you got kicked.
So you can't say i am not aware of server rules anymore.You know what you did ,still you do critics on me,my english and my judgement with no back up.Because you weren't aware of rules.So if
you check your first post here ,what you said is different and the last post has different meaning.
Only i can do to you give you a chance to unban you but you will stay banned for 5 days then i will unban you.You may still do criticism if you understand the rules which i glad to hear them.
If you keep doing what you did earlier , i ll ban you again but it will be permanant and i don't care what you will going to say because you are aware of server rules now.
Best Regards.
Oct 11 2013, 10:35 AM
Ban has been removed
Best Regards.
Jan 18 2014, 01:51 PM
After Jen banned a player for intentionally kicking his own team archers, failalot has decided to chirp up again, once again questioning admin decisions and suggesting Jen shouldn't be doing admin if she can't take scrutinising of her actions (although why she should have to be scrutinised by a random player is beyond me).
As such I've rebanned sir failalot on all servers.
As it's the second time this has come up, I'd like the ban to remain. The forum account is banned, however if he does create a new one to appeal, I'll point him to this thread and remove any duplicate posts.
On a side note, providing admins are dealing with players as per the rules (which in the case of the archer kicker is beyond doubt), I don't expect them to have to also justify their actions to self-entitled 'guests' on the servers.
Thread closed.
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