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Full Version: 1 minute in the server was IP banned
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
I joined the Chivalry server a little bit ago, and 1-2 minutes playing on the server i was Kicked. "Kicked:No Reason." is what I was prompted. When I tried to join back I was IP banned from the server. Can someone explain please.
Hi C A T,

We operate a strict no racist language on the server policy. You actually joined with the name "C A T N I G G A"
Therefore you were banned based on this rule (although I would have assumed the reason would be racism, will check if something went wrong)
There's a post about the racist language rules here:

Thanks smile.gif
I banned this user because of racist rule.As Jen wrote, your nickname was CATNIGGA.

You may check server rules.

Best Regards.
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