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Full Version: Banned?
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Got banned last night - I was given a warning saying that if I kept talking about the racism rule then I would be banned. I agreed to stop talking about it.

Then I replied to another player saying something along the lines of "Your dad sounds awful, did he not allow discussion in his house?"
After I said it I realised this could have been seen as a jab at the admins, though it honestly wasn't at all. I had already agreed I'd come here and discuss the rules, I didn't feel that by saying that I was doing something that the admins had asked me not to do.

Can I be unbanned please?
Just wanted to add further proof that this wasn't ment as an admin jab - you guys said to come here to discuss rules, therefore allowing discussion...
Hello ,

I banned a few players yesterday about racism language.It may misdirected to u when i was banning people.

Logs will be check and result will announce.

Please read the server rules while you are in forum.

Best Regards.
Porsuk - what he says matches the logs, so it's up to you since you banned him. If you want to unban him you can do the unwieldy unban command yourself in game or let me know and I`ll remove it from the server configs when the server is empty.

Personally though he's been warned about this before and warned again last night. Although he's not broken the racism rule, he's one that has tended to complain or argue about the rules we have. I jumped onto admin last night after a player reported a whole load of racist language via the report form and made a few retrospective bans, which I then posted into the servers.

This then prompted the usual debate. Frankly I'm getting sick of it, since the rules are commonplace (on all official servers) and common sense. If people must debate they can do it on the website. None however ever have. This essentially wasted some of my time last night when I got back from a party, that I'd have rather be spending with the gf, instead trying to defend our rules.
When I pointed out I was getting sick of self-entitled guests arguing about the rules, instead of either shutting up or apologising, this guy says you should probably listen to your guests. Again the arrogance of that I find astounding.

Basically I'll leave it to Porsuk. However I will say that if porsuk chooses to unban you then if I got through the logs and find any future debate (and by debate I mean your usual flavour of shit-stirring regarding the rules) then I'll happily reban you permanently on all the servers.

The admins on these servers give up their free time to try and maintain a modicum of decency on the servers. We can't restrict all insults, nor would I choose to. But people like you have basically made looking after this server a massive chore and quite frankly based on last night and previous warnings you've had in the past I couldn't give a toss whether you're unbanned.

I remember this guy from the last time of complaining about the rules. If he didn't break them maybe we should unban though? (although as monkeyfiend says, if he keep trying to provoke argument about the rules to ban again?)
He should stay that way, because i am getting tired to argue about rules which they didn't care to read.When i try

to explain it they are just trolling around about rules and continue to ignoring it.

Mostly specific trolls complains about rules and trolling people to say some racist language words swearing each

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