You were banned by Jen (after reviewing) this evening after being flagged by the remote admin tool for racism
Since you've posted in the shoutbox regarding your ban for racism:
[05:52:14] Varulv: Is it true that we can't be racist now?
[05:52:26] The Lost Viking!: NIGERTITS
[05:52:29] The Lost Viking!: nope we can
The racism checker flagged it, not for the context but because it picks up on variations (using regular expressions) where people try to use 1 g, or 1's instead of I's or n*ggas for example.
It's also clear from the context that it was in response to varulv and 'your nope we can' obviously confirms this. Frankly I don't care if you were "testing"
The rules are simple: No racism and no intentional TKs. You willingly broke the first rule and received a permanent ban. You then come here protesting innocence rather than even bothering to try an apology.
As such the ban stands unless you convince another clan member it needs reviewing. (to all clan members: please reply if you want this reviewing)