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Full Version: Join the Clan
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hi, I'm Marius (RumPull4Skin) and I 21 years old and I'm interested in joining your clan.
Been playing Chivalry for some time now, on SneakyMonkey servers only. Also been playing on your BF3 server, and the BF2 server a while back.
I've been playing CS 1.6 for ages, aswell as CoD (all of em!).
I'm mature and I respects other gamers, no cheats and such.

I would appreciate a chance to become one of the gang.

Hey thanks for posting :-)

I'll add you on steam and try and catch up with your tonight or tomorrow if that's ok? :-)

Assume RumPull4Skin is your steam ID?

Steam ID is " "
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