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So im looking to upgrade my current router. Its an old netgear model which is two slow for me now both on the wireless and ethernet front. Heres what im after:

Gigabit ethernet capability, 4 ports at least
300mbps+ Wireless N capability (not bothered about dual / single band)
ADSL modem

Im getting confused by all the jargon to be honest. From what I can see, most gigabit routers out there in my sort of price range (sub £100, as close to £50 as I can get) dont seem to include DSL modems? I dont have the power sockets to have a separate router / modem and I definitely need both gigabit ethernet and high speed / long range wireless.

Any ideas?
I would assume the ones you are looking at without modems are in actual fact just wireless switches...

Best thing to do is hit up some review sites and filter by your budget - although if you want all the above you may possibly have to up your budget, unless you compromise on something.
The only real benefits of having the modem/router combo is that you only need one power outlet and you only have one device to troubleshoot if you loose connection. other than that it is still a modem and a router, just in one case. From what I can tell the brands all seem to be the same and all have no support for their products. For my DSL internet I have a westell 7500 modem/router combo. The only reason I have that is because I wanted to take out the possibility of my connection problems being my Linksys router. Stay away from switches. they are stupid.
QUOTE (fido77 @ Feb 2 2012, 04:20 PM) *
Stay away from switches. they are stupid.

Thats a pretty retarded statement.
QUOTE (Magik5 @ Feb 2 2012, 11:24 AM) *
Thats a pretty retarded statement.

Not when you work where I do and have to deal with dumbassez with switches all throughout their houses.
Just wanted to check your requirements.. if you're on ADSL one would assume your intermaweb connection is up to 20mbps, so actual network speed shouldn't be a major issue for internet stuff

The increased wireless speed of N150 or N300 and gigabit ports would more benefit faster file transfers between computers e.g. computer to computer or computer to media centre, NAS etc., if this is the case then fine, if not maybe look to a decent N class combo which is much cheaper

at £75 there's this

From a personal perspective I like the combo devices, they tend to be less finnicky. For me one of the most common failures on wired networking is the wires themselves so the combined ones remove 1 wire at least. You can also run inot issues with ocnfiguration on networky stuff like tcp window sizes etc., which is more less likely on a combined device
I did look at the buffalo briefly but it had poor reviews on range and speed from what I could find. in any case, I've eventually gone for a separate ADSL modem and wireless gigabit router. the TD1043n off the top of my head. it does the job and means if / when I upgrade to fibre I only need to swap the modem, not the whole thing.
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