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Full Version: New Recruit (The Prof)
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Alright Guys,

A really good mate of mine the Prof has expressed an interest in signing up with the Sneakys in prep for incoming BF3 action. He is a really nice bloke from the last BF2 clan I was in -=EA=-.

Just wanted to put forward this recommendation for some feedback. Ive asked him to post a bit more info for you.


Hey folks,

Yeah as Hypo says i am looking to get back into BF with the release of BF3.

Bit of a Vereran going back to 1942. Was in the [DVDR] Clan until the release of BF2 where we broke up and then formed the -=EA=- Clan specifically for BF2 with our own Dedicated 64 Player Server which i basically ran. We also had a Forum and Teamspeak Server. Was a good few years and we had some great Clan Matches.

Was shortly after the release of BF 2142 i had to downgrade the PC so have been Console Gaming since then but yeah looking forward to getting back into it all. Building a new Gaming PC between now and the release date so should be ready to go for that.

Anything else you need to know just ask.

Cheers. smile.gif

Hi and welcome to the website smile.gif

Good to see players of the original BF games making a return for BF3... was beginning to fear we'd be knee deep in CoD defectors tongue.gif

At the moment, the clan is fairly inactive, mainly waiting for BF3 for which we will definitely be maintaining a couple of servers. We were waiting until nearer the beta until starting a recruitment drive (since our recruitment usually involves a trial period playing the game and getting to know everyone, which we can't do at the moment tongue.gif), however since you're a friend of Hypo am sure this shouldn't be a problem.

Will post in the clan members section and get back to you shortly smile.gif



Nice one...

Unfortunately not having a Gaming PC at the moment, i can't even do anything BF2 or BC2 releated.

So will have to wait until a. i get the PC up and running and b. the game comes out.

Don't think i will make the Beta though. I remember back to the BF2 Beta and we had a Demo Server for it and it was always packed out.

Yeah to be honest 1942 still is probably my all time fave game. The Maps were scaled better with flying in mind than BF2. used to love Market Garden and the Mustangs. Plus the Mods that were available for it were great.

I will probably be re-installing 42 if it still works with Windows 7.

Cheers. smile.gif
not to worry. tbh people round here gave up on BC2 fairly quickly after it's release. BF2 we stuck with for years, until the cheats took over.

Yeah, am hoping filling up servers won't be too much of a problem. The server prices are pretty high which rules out a lot of kids from renting them (plus lots of players coming from CoD too)

Personally I was more of a BF2 fan, although I did play 1942 (I actually really like joint operations when that was out). I've had 1942 running on Win7 x64, so it definitely works in that guise.



p.s. just asking the guys in the members area about recruitment, will get back to you soon.
I think I have BF42 installed as well, might give it a play again. (Its also one of my all time favorites)
I have the '42 anthology, very tempted to jump back into a Littlebird in Desert Combat...
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