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Full Version: Grange is looking to join
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
I'm currently interested in joining your clan. For those who don't already know, I am a mature gamer who respects other gamers. The gaming console I regularly play is PC, the games i like to play are; BFBC2, L4D2, Minecraft and Counter Strike Source. I like to take part, as my brother has done, to be apart of this community.

People who will read this post, I hope will consider letting me join. Thx for those who do read this smile.gif
Rey tongue.gif
I'd usually mention my caveat about it being in a lull round here until closer to BF3, but since you've already been about for some time I'd guess you know this anyway. I'll make a post in the clan area since usual recruitment doesn't apply at the moment (since we're not concentrated on one game) and see how people want to proceed. smile.gif
Yeah, i like him... he fits right in. smile.gif
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