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I assume you guys have pretty much figured out Im basically incapable of making any hardware decisions for myself, so it should come as no surprise when i want your help again.

Here it is in a nutshell.

- PC is on my desk
- PC uses Saitek Eclipse keyboard
- Saitek Eclipse keyboard does the job perfectly
- Saitek Eclipse keyboard is rather large
- Saitek Eclipse keyboard is wired (USB)
- PC is also connected to 40" LCDHDTV
- Associated sofa is a few metres from PC
- Saitek Eclipse keyboard doesnt reach sofa/table

So you see my problem.

My mouse reaches fine, but its a pain in the arse to unplug my keyboard, connect it to a USB extender, move it from my desk etc. So I need an alternate solution. Something along the lines of a compact (or at least not as big as the Saitek) wireless keyboard for a reasonable price, with a good wireless range and a numeric keypad. Ive searched, and the few ive found either havent had particularly good review or are superb, but ludicrously expensive (Logitech diNovo Edge, im looking at you). Something like this would also be usable with my laptop so its a win win.

I dont mind spending a bit of money, but I would shy away from prices above 40 and dont want to spend over 50 of my hard earned calamari.

So I open the board to you guys, any suggestions?
I also use the eclipse biggrin.gif

Your options are to either

1. Plug in a usb extension and move the keyboard when you want to use it.
2. Use a USB Wireless converter (these are pricey)
3. Buy wireless keyboard e.g. (such as the Mircosoft 6000)
I was more after suggestions to which keyboard...
okily dokily MS 3000 Keyboard £22.84 MS Arc Keyboard £27.99 Logitech K340 Compact £28.83

I don't personally rate the cheapy ones like keysonic keyboards or whatever they're called.
Cheers monkey, dont know why but I never seemed to find those 2 microsoft ones

Ive had a look at a few of those keysonic ones and although they match what I want in terms of looks and size etc, the reviews for them tend to say that range is atrocious (2m tops).

The Logitech *should* be the best of those 3 but apparently the way their circuitry works means you cant really press more than 2 keys at once and expect them all to register.

Anyway, ive now bought the ARC keyboard. Nice size and good reviews generally

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