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Full Version: Leborn want's to JOIN! :D
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
im kinda new everything, BC2,L4D,SPENDING MONEY, SPEAKING. wink.gif but i thought i might as well join the SM to give it a go biggrin.gif hope you get this message Monkey or whoever tongue.gif *p.s SM rules wink.gif*
Well done for applying Leborn smile.gif You've been with us really for a while so I'm glad you're taking the leap to attain Clan member status smile.gif I shall assist in getting this noticed and hopefully we will have a recruitment consultation soon smile.gif

About time tbh tongue.gif
I believe the current recruitment guidelines require this to be run past fox tongue.gif so these might need updating biggrin.gif

To recap recruitment (since it's been a while) - the main difference between kin/clan members is clan members have the voting decision on financial aspects and clan direction (such as us renting servers; what and how many) which at the moment is fairly moot since we're not currently running any servers tongue.gif

Anyhoo I'll sort out a voting area so the clan gets a say smile.gif
Awesome! My persistence paid off.
well, its about time!
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