Yeah I think I should point out that the only reason this decision was made was to at least have a start point of reference. I'm not saying I even agree with it even though I made it but we should start somewhere and given that Kadey and I have Admin over the server I just took that as base. It's not like I wanted to piss people off I just thought start at the bottom and work it out from there.
... and yes I'm sure I tripped arse about face here ... whoops blame the JD (my bad) I take back my bad decision... except now were discussing it so nothing will actually change again until we are all good to go on this subject.
No-one has abused it as far as I'm concerned let me get that clear.
However the admin rights (at the moment without mods) are either full everything on or off. As far as I'm aware at the mo there is no slider that allows partial access.
I guess the real question I'm asking is do we restrict Admin? Or do we let everyone Admin? Does this matter?
Also YES my shameful drunken experiments in explosives have been quite ridiculous... and I've outgrown them (at least I will have by the time I run out
However my personal feelings are its up to each member how they wish to play. If (technically) cheating is desired I see no problem with that so long as it does not affect another player. However this leads us into murky territory. How should you play the game? Do you give everything away or do you hoard? Resources are after all valuable. Each player must have different views on this. This also creates difficulty.
Personally I find this game a bit weird because it ends up being about property... which I'm sure we're all aware has been the cause of a good many wars in the history of mankind, along side the old fave of religion.
The reason we need to keep discussing this is so we can all get along harmoniously.
Different folk have been grumbling about different things. Lets air the dirty laundry and move forward
And please forgive me if you think all this is unnecessary
after all I'm NOOB admin and I just want to do it right, personally I'd rather I wasn't admin really but as a member of this Clan and having been quite pushy about the game in its early throws I can at least try to shoulder the responsibility of asking some of the difficult questions.