Well i think this clan has fell into a bit of a unhealthy sleep tbh.
so maybe its time to shake the monkeys out of the tree and get some good times rolling
atm i'm reinstalling/updating bc2/l4d1/2dirt2
and hoping to find other peeps in the clan to play with
end of the day we can all bitch and whine about there being nothing good to play, or "that games old hat" but tbh the main reason i joined a clan was to socialise, crack jokes and pick on people ^^ sorry cable <3
so while we all w8 for that elusive holy grail that is "bf3" or "naked buxom wrestling coed's on heat" lets get together and have a laugh on the games we do have atm
even if we dont really enjoy them as much as we did when they first arrived on our plates, they are still good games, or we would not have invested our hard earned in the first place.
anyway i'll be on steam all day and be willing for some multiplayer action tonight from say 8pm??
i'll maybe chuck a few shouts in the shoutbox for those who are a bit retarded when it comes to checking forums.....apologies in advance cable ^^
if anyone wants to add words of encouragement or bitch /whine instead then feel free
Dec 10 2010, 12:00 PM
I concur! The main reason I played the games was cause it was so fun with you lot
I have l4d1 and 2 installed, so can play that whenever! Also i've got borderland characters ranging from 20-58, so if anyone wants a game there, i'm in
I'll need to find my disk for BC2, but i'm up for that too.
Dec 10 2010, 02:21 PM
problem was, you all bearded it up. its a different place now
we'll i'm shaking the tree, if noone wakes up then thats fine too
Dec 10 2010, 03:22 PM
nope I agree.
The pace dropped with Lotro as thats a much less involved game in relation to clan usage (obviously there is teamwork, but joining any random kin or group pretty much covers that aspect). The clan activity always surges when a new game comes out that people want to play and wanes dramatically when there is no overall direction to a particular game, as at the moment.
I currently have Lotro, L4D1/L4D2 and BC2 installed, so am generally up for a game there (at least while I'm not in work). Recently have been getting back into playing a bit of BC2 (mostly with Fido/Aki) and they seem to finally have ironed out some of the more annoying bugs from the older days (don't get me wrong it's still flawed deep down with it's tiny console maps etc., but it's better than anything comparable at the moment)
As a side point, I've no issue with picking up the tab on servers - even if it's just a 1 month trial to see how they go (the L4D1/2 ones are pretty straight forward and cheap, the BC2 one requires more work, but probably gets more overall benefit)... however if people think servers are a bad idea then that's fine too.
I'll possibly be on tonight, but it's likely to be much much later as I'm out in Liverpoo this evening.
Dec 10 2010, 03:41 PM
i'm playin BC2 almost daily. i'm usually on ts while playin. sometimes i just leave ts on and unhook my headphones so i can hear if someone comes on. i have bc2, l4d1/2, and dirt2. i will play whatever. bc2 being my fav atm.
@monkey: if we did get a bc2 server, could we just have that one big map on it? or maybe that map and one other.
Dec 10 2010, 03:41 PM
Tis a shame clan activity kinda died off courtesy of various MMO's , though i have really started enjoying tf2 and l4d again recently.
I am often about for L4d sessions if i am not pew pewing internet spaceshipz
i really cant go more than 10 mins in BC2 anymore without emo rage quitting , but can come on and give y'all free kills for 10 mins i guess
Dec 10 2010, 04:35 PM
Gonna reinstall L4D1 then (although I think I now prefer 2), already have the rest installed & ready to go.
Dec 10 2010, 05:10 PM
Apparently BC2 has about 10,000,000gb of updates, so I'll leave that over night
Dec 10 2010, 07:46 PM
Leborn installed BC2 yesterday while we were playin and was done with the install before we finished a couple rounds
Dec 11 2010, 03:21 AM
Shit! I fell outta the tree!!!
Dec 12 2010, 01:14 AM
ill even try to get on. ive got BC2 and LFD1 not sure if i have 2. and if it helps id be willing to put up the server for a bit
nah i dont think a sever is needed, well thats imho
i doubt we'd have a strong enough core to kick off a bc2 server
having a l4d2 server would be cool, well a l4d2 server that works :s
so hard to get one that isnt laggy or crashing on map change :/
Dec 12 2010, 02:45 PM
I have L4D2 and LORTO ready to go. never been much good at BC2 but always willing to have a game.. I might get in the way and shoot you by accident but it should give us all a laugh!
Dec 14 2010, 02:23 PM
I'm up for any of the above, if I'm online when the rest of you are. Being an anti-social fucker on nightshift, I've been neglecting gaming for a while, but like Al, I'm moving back towards L4d1/2 and TF2 for now. Maybe BC", and certainly Dirt 2 in the near future!
Dec 14 2010, 06:42 PM
Alas I have been neglecting you guys as well, mostly down to Real Life interactions with the GF, but i tend to be floating around somewhere, even if im not on TS. Basically, if im on Steam, im around somewhere
I have BC2 reinstalled, L4D1 and 2, and theres a good chance ive got a lot of other things somewhere though not necassarily installed. Im pretty much up for any game as long as I have decent people (i.e. you lot) to play them with
Dec 14 2010, 06:43 PM
Oh and on the subject of servers, as much as I enjoyed having the BC2 server, I got really fed up of people bitching about the game all the time. I dont think its worth getting a server for a game people arent that hot on.
Dec 15 2010, 11:41 PM
mumble mimble agrees mumble
QUOTE (Qrbrrbl @ Dec 14 2010, 06:42 PM)
Alas I have been neglecting you guys as well, mostly down to Real Life interactions with the GF,
talk about blowing your own trumpet
or maybe not in this case
Dec 16 2010, 09:28 AM
I have a simple, if expensive, solution: marry her & Bingo! no more "interactions"
Dec 17 2010, 06:23 PM
Yeah, but then I would get no more "interactions" :/
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