Hey guys its Leborn here saying that I just thought of a crazy idea. I thought *if anyone is interested* could make a sneakymonkeys minecraft group? now probably most of you never heard of Minecraft but its really a world where you *as the player* can make anything you like, whether it is a house, or a 500ft teddy bear its your creation, you decided what you want to make.
I thought, because i only really play lotro, *not BC2* that i post this on lotro forums.
I thought we could do with something unique and different, and I would love to hear from you guys to see if this is a good idea or not.
Now with Minecraft being in the Alpha stage of its development, and it costing £8, I can understand why you guys would find it a unattractive deal. But there is a demo on the Minecraft website, where you can try it out for yourself.
Minecraft single player demo: http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp
Mainwebsite: http://www.minecraft.net/
Minecraft Tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylVtj-1Ccgg
Minecraft creations which we could make: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOOIdC-j0qU
My main goal for this is too really see how creative you guys are, and too have fun as a kin as well
P.S Sneakymonkeys is EPIC!