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Full Version: guy after recruitment, reposted from shoutbox
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hello SneakyMonkeys,
My Name Is Raymond I am 16Jears old.
I Allready played Lord Of The Rings Online For 2jears.
I have a Lvl60Captain A Lvl60Hunter and Lvl20Loremaster.

I speaked With Foxsox she sayin that i can join if i signp up so this is my sing ip guys.

I Love to join sneakymonkeys i joined some sneakymonkeys in fellowships with Hoc and GS Hm.

When i can join invite my lore master Vallcorn.

With Frendly Greetings Raymond

[Reposted this from shoutbox to more appropriate place]
Have we scraped the 18+ rule then?
Is this for kinship only?
Hmm. We could prob do with some more info from fox/mf on how we're to proceed on this one

Ie what are your thoughts/feelings?

While I do play a bit of lotro I have never met this fellow so have no opionion atm.

This is lotro kinshop only,
ANYONE recruited in to the kinship on lotro, has nothing to do with being in the CLAN.
they are 2 seperate groups.
as for anything else, i know as much as you really, he just wants to join.
yeah, sorry this was just a pure repost from the shoutbox. The guy (not sure what his lotro in game name was) was asking about joining the kin and was directed here.

As mentioned elsewhere joining the kin and joining the clan are still kept separate (as the clan has more strict rules on joining). If someone wants to joins the kin and then wants to join the clan they can apply same as anyone else smile.gif

Joining the lotro kin just gives people a groups to help quest with, access to people who can craft certain goods, storage in the kinhouse and social. Clan membership gives a member equal voting rights in clan direction and as such has a lot more criteria before we let someone join.

I've not spoken to the person myself, however my only concern with any potential members is that they fit in and part of that is the ability to communicate, so level of english is bit of a concern.

Anyhoo, unless there are any objection I'll tidy round the forum a little bit in the next few days: to remove some of the BC2 info and add info for joining the lotro kin separate from joining the clan.


I can hardly yay or neigh since i've been afk for weeks lol. But amen to the site reshuffle.
Ill have to abstain from this vote, never spoken to the guy. I trust in the judgement of the Fox and the Fiend
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