Welcome to Cablin's Curiosities!
I've decided to try and find any oddities in the game world, ranging from odd NPC/PC behaviour, to wonky world design and bizzare item placement. I've got a couple of screens showing a few minor odd things, but I'll be on the lookout for more as and when.
A simple cockup, such as placing a resource spawnpoint off the ground, is usually the most common gaff. Here we have a rare 'cabbage tree', with Cabalin facing the wrong way. Bloody dwarf, not the brightest rock in the quarry...
Ahh yes, the level designers sometimes entrust the generation of placement to a script, which doesnt always work properly. Will have to get the axe out and sort this one later...
A nice screenie of Cabalin making something. Nothing broken, unless you count the 'Arrrgh-fuck-my-eyes-hurt' blur filter applied to everything in Trestlebridge. Which means questing there requires glasses, according to our own dear Leader.
Something which seems a bit at odds with the laws of physics in LOTRO is the gravity. Specifically, gravity and horses. Sometimes, you can just defy Newton and thumb your nose at standard theories. The images below are just a few examples...
Bizzare stuff indeed. Cablin also pointed out that being a dwarf in LOTRO-Land isnt all bad. Sure, your woman folk have beards and carry axes too, but the female folk of the other races generally look far more appealing. And when you're a dwarf, the view is quite... captivating...
Enchanting indeed... On the other hand, when you look up, things get a little less... enchanting...
Eeesh. You might want to trim them nosehairs, Binala love.
And finally, after a long hard day slogging about Middle Earth, doing quests for all the lazy-arse NPCs outt here, what better way to relax than with a nice warm Thorin's Hall Bath...
Ok, nothing else for now, but if you spot anything odd, random or just plain crazy, post it here!