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Full Version: Lost my product key
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Support > PC, Website, Server & Game Support
Hey !

I bought this fancy smancy pc and was gonna install bad company 2 but to my horror I can't find my product key or the box that it came in. Is there a good niftly little piece of software that can dig up the product key frpm the windows registry ? I have tried a few but they are not really helping. I am imploring the combined great minds of Sneaky Monekys to help me out.


start -> run -> type regedit -> hit enter

browse here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Electronic Arts\Electronic Arts\Battlefield Bad Company 2\ergc

Product key can be found on the right
Awesome sauce !!! It is now installing smile.gif
tis baffling that they have an unhashed key in the registry - it was like this in bf2, but then they hashed it during one of the patches to help limit the various smacktards with trojan infested aimbots getting their keys lifted.
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