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Full Version: hello from [ZiiP] trevoraj
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > General > Public Discussion
magical trev
Thought I'd say hello as I've been playing your server so much of late.

Thanks foxy for the match invite, just not possible this eve sad.gif

Unfortunately (for me) the rest of ZiiP have gone COD4 mad, so you'll be seeing quite a lot of me...

Anyway, hello (again) and thanks for a fun server cool.gif

No problem, seems alot of clans are switching to cod4!
see you soon!
the entire clan have gone to CoD4 - fuckin hell that reminds me of a herd of lemmings jumping off a cliff tongue.gif

(as you can tell I personally don't like cod4)

we'll you're always welcome on the server for some bf2 biggrin.gif

magical trev
Well, not 'everyone'...

But let's just say TS is a lonely place...
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