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Full Version: Aloha
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Well hello peeps,

You may have heard me on TS3 last night and today, just thought id pop in the forums and say howdy biggrin.gif

Abit about myself : OLD (very!! tongue.gif ), grumpy, immature, trustworthy(errr...) handsome, blue eyed BC2 gamer, who found this clan through clicking on Monkeys sig in BC2 forums ( what a mistake that was!!:P)

If you need to know more, just ask

Y'ello! Yeah, you seemed like a good experienced player, and it was rather less frustrating (although not entirely so) being shredded on the field by yourself a few times. Keep up appearances, and join us on the TS server, and we'll make a Monkey out of you yet, I figure! wink.gif
Hey, had a good blast with you last night on the DM server. Hope to catch you on the field again soon smile.gif
QUOTE (Magik6 @ Jun 5 2010, 11:45 AM) *
Hey, had a good blast with you last night on the DM server. Hope to catch you on the field again soon smile.gif

lol more like "blasted" him ^^
I felt id been buggered with the wrong end of a rag mans trumpet....with no vaseline. Not been killed that badly since beta....bring on Atacama...then we can talk !! tongue.gif
Nah, you wont get 6 on Atacama, he absolutly detests any maps that have any form of vehicle on them. Myself on the other hand, love to blast tanks and heli's into kingdom come, so you'll find me on there fairly often.
QUOTE (Cabletwitch @ Jun 6 2010, 03:03 PM) *
so you'll find me on there fairly often.

which is the main reason no1 else goes on there tongue.gif
Shaddap you rolleyes.gif
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