Jun 2 2010, 03:12 AM
Hey Sneaky Monkeys
my ingame name is Yoshihira im 31 and live in the butt crack of the country Southampton!
Ive played on your server a couple of time's of late and found everyone really chilled out and alway's nice to talk to .
At the moment im just part time playing BFBC2 due to my life being ruined yet again with the illness called World of Warcraft ! ><
But im very experienced with FPS game's put alot of time into Mohaa and CoD4 ...But played many others

Not sure what else to say but i do have a headset and ofc can use TS even though i rate vent more
Jun 2 2010, 11:25 AM
Jump on TS3 when you next play, the server info is on the front page. No doubt Foxx will reply at some point with all the formalities.
Other than that, glad you enjoy the servers and welcome to the forums
interesting name you have there, i sense a anime/manga otaku possibly?
well the best way to get to know us, is to hop on TS in the evenings and participate in our forums

we play a wide variety of games of all genre's and ofc play a good deal of bc2 even tho we are all a bit miffed at the delayed patch

cya on the field
Jun 2 2010, 06:39 PM
Hey Yoshi,
Once you've jumped on TS i can run you through the boring bits and we can begin your trial.
see you on the field!
Jun 3 2010, 04:26 PM
Ok cool will try and get on this evening
Eeeeexcellent! Another Southerling!!
Jun 4 2010, 11:24 AM
QUOTE (Aki @ Jun 3 2010, 06:53 PM)

Eeeeexcellent! Another Southerling!!

I wonder if he knows the same amount of burlesque dancers and strippers as what you do ?
Jun 4 2010, 07:55 PM
Yay for the southern half of England (the best part imo)
Jun 4 2010, 08:41 PM
lol depends where in the South you live m8 =)
For some reason im getting a issue with TS was on it lastnight with gummy i could hear him an talk but voice activation wouldnt work :/ ...Even when enabled it kept changing to push to talk o_O ...And ive just popped on just then i can see peep's talking but cant hear anything guess im going to check the ts forum again .
Jun 4 2010, 08:56 PM
ohhhh thats probably my bad - we set guest accounts so they couldn't use voice activation.. if we get 30 people on voice activation/speakers/heavy breathing it gets a bit out of control. If you join TS again any clan members should be able to set you as a normal user and you can use voice activation
Jun 8 2010, 10:50 PM
hey i keep checking on the site to see who's on ts etc ..But i keep catching you guys playing Lotro or talking about it when i do come on ts i try not to interupt

(saving my ears from another mmo) !! ...WoW and Continent of the Ninth atm are enough =) ..And please dont think im being ass by the comment ! ..Just explaining why im not on ts much

lol so i guess i should keep my eye's open for the BC2 people playing!!
Jun 9 2010, 10:47 AM
we tend to all stay in the same channel even when were all playing different games.
dont worry about interrupting, you wouldnt get a word in edgeways if you didnt.
people going through a bit of a lotro fad atm, but you can always come on and just change the topic!
were happy to talk about stuff that isnt games!
Jun 9 2010, 03:00 PM
Yeah, feel free to come online and tell me how awesome I am, for a start. Also, even if you DO just start talking on TS, you'd be lucky to get a word in edgeways when myself, Foxx, 6 and K are yapping away. Just sound an airhorn into the mic or something, it might stun us for long enough that theres a gap to talk into
I second this

Airhorn on!!! I'm New Forest btw in the posh bitz lmfao
Jun 10 2010, 02:32 PM
there's been a bit of lord of the rings playing of late - seems a lot of people are a bit cheesed off with waiting for the BC2 patch that was due out a month ago.. will expect more action on the BC2 front if & when they release it
Jun 14 2010, 09:49 PM
Aye dont blame them tbh ..I was going to download the client the otherday but backed out hehe , Still might download it this week at some point just been testing another couple of games though Battle of the Immortals and Continent of the ninth cost me £13 to get into a Korean beta lol but its alright so far ..Main reason i havent been about latley =) ...Ah but Foxx i still need to know the rules etc you were going to tell me
Jun 14 2010, 11:10 PM
it's also due to go free to play btw, I know quite a few people who are put of the subscription MMO's... For me I was playing it even when playing BF2, it makes a nice change of pace to play an FPS and an MMO
Jun 15 2010, 02:03 AM
Ya m8 thats why i play other MMO's also ...So many cool looking game's coming out ..Blade and Soul look's sick for one =)
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