Godfather Nor
May 25 2010, 11:49 PM
Yep, i just got banned from your server, (punkbuster) after 3 houers of good fun.. no sm members on, it just said banned for racism!! errr??? i got the screen pic if wanted but i surely want this ban lifted as i am no racist, and i have not done anything wrong except killing sm members.
ive played allot on the server... for houers... check the stats...
im no kid who does shit like this for fun. im a grown man with kids so this is kinda wierd for me to do...
this ban, is not in its place... Godfather
May 26 2010, 12:00 AM
I do recognise you as a regular on the server. We don't ban without good reason, I specifically mention that we have never banned anyone for things like being too good or for killing SM members or other such things that you see people posting about other clans.
Any members kicking or banning for these reasons would likely find themselves speedily ejected from the clan.
Relating to your ban, chat logs lifted out of the chat and events database for the conquest server:
[00:27:12] 57R4Y3R > o.O
[00:27:12] Yolaah > yo
[00:31:23] pathfinderr > saiga noob
[00:31:37] PacificV2 > weapon noob
[00:31:41] PacificV2 > fight using fists
[00:31:55] Godfather|Nor > sandnigger
[00:31:59] pathfinderr > ure mum likes fists
[00:32:23] PacificV2 > ur mom jokes that's manly
[00:33:17] 57R4Y3R - Russian Army > drop ammo every once in a while please
[00:33:40] Hellace - Russian Army - Bravo > ammo
[00:35:13] 57R4Y3R - Russian Army > ty
[00:38:57] HippY.morality > suka blyad
[00:39:01] HippY.morality > pizda vam
[00:40:03] Admin > Banning Godfather|Nor for Racism.
I believe this will be the reason for your ban.
[EDIT: moved this post to the bans/ban appeals section]
May 26 2010, 03:35 PM
If thats not worth a ban then my names not foxxy mcfox
ok Tracy
May 26 2010, 03:39 PM
May 26 2010, 03:43 PM
Agreed, You broke rules, you gone. Take that shite somewhere else.
Godfather Nor
May 26 2010, 09:08 PM
Wow, seriously. u should allso take a look at the other clan member i was with !3! Metric- HE was the one i called sandnigger for fun to piss him off on my teamspeak...
And i get a ban for it??!!
is this a poor joke, then im not getting it.. that line sand nigger was to him. and he sure laughed hes ass off in ts... i dont remember if he wrote something so u can see it on the log...
but seriously. banned like that? no warnings nothing... and like 1 houer after i wrote it or so...
i really wish this ban to be lifted as this is my favorite server.
reason: 1. i was to my friend.. = he laughed...
2. shouldnt i get a warning first. i understand if i went on the server being totally arse. but this was a minor offence if it was taken.
what to do?
May 26 2010, 09:13 PM
Unfortunately we have always said racism, whether intended as a joke or not, is totally not allowed.
We dont do warnings as anyone who's prepared to use that language isnt welcome on the server.
However to give you a fair chance, i will put a poll up for people to vote as to whether to lift the ban or not.
May 26 2010, 09:20 PM
Ok im all for giving folks a chance but even considering using a term like that gets my back up whether in jest or not. Anyone who considers that funny has a bizarre sense of humor and to me that just encourages others to express their right wing views. I will vote no but will respect the views of others members. Because tolerance is important isnt it?
May 26 2010, 09:24 PM
QUOTE (HYPOBOXER @ May 26 2010, 10:20 PM)

Ok im all for giving folks a chance but even considering using a term like that gets my back up whether in jest or not. Anyone who considers that funny has a bizarre sense of humor and to me that just encourages others to express their right wing views. I will vote no but will respect the views of others members. Because tolerance is important isnt it?
May 26 2010, 09:28 PM
thanks for the reply - we do look at behavior of all players on the server, especially when we receive complaints and thankfully can pull back logs since mid-april.
Your friend metric who has also been on the servers a fair bit has made many a comment about the server being shit etc., use of certain weapons and a variety of insults, however all in line with our rules and has never made any racist comments (and if he did he would also have been banned)
Those logs are a section from the chat - not edited in any way. I could maybe understand if your comment was aimed at your friend if there was some conversation going on, however your comment was a one-off, made in global chat (and I note you were in the same squad at the time). Whether aimed at an understanding individual or not, the point is it was an offensive term used in global chat are more likely aimed at someone who had just killed you.
Additionally it wasn't an hour after you wrote it, it was nine minutes. Even so, we quite happily would ban people for breaking the rules when we check logs hours, even days later - people check over a cross section of logs periodically (every couple of days) or specific logs if there is a complaint and will quite happily issue warning, short or permanent bans based on that.
Regarding our rules, there has been dicussion on whether we should warn, kick or ban for racism. The clan voted as a whole for bans, we're a clan with a variety of racial backgrounds and frankly don't wish to have people on the server that think racist remarks are cool, funny or the very worrying individuals who really do believe certain ethnicities are inferior. As such we don't issue warnings for racist remarks.
[Edit: I note there is a poll now for members to uphold or cancel the ban, majority decision as usual]
May 26 2010, 09:54 PM
May 27 2010, 01:16 AM
QUOTE (Godfather Nor @ May 25 2010, 06:49 PM)

Yep, i just got banned from your server, (punkbuster) after 3 houers of good fun.. no sm members on, it just said banned for racism!! errr??? i got the screen pic if wanted but i surely want this ban lifted as i am no racist, and i have not done anything wrong except killing sm members.
i may have voted yes, but i can see this would only lead to more of godfather being banned and him trying to say he did nothing wrong except killing sm. we do not ban for sm killing. if we did i would be banning alot of people from our servers and i would be the only one left
May 27 2010, 01:22 AM
A no from me, I've only seen changes of story in each post with initially insinuating the ban was from killing clan members, followed by a change of story to suggestion of in-jokes. All of this without any hint of remorse or in fact grasping that they've done anything wrong in the first place.
hmm he said it himself, he's got a private teamspeak for talking to his friends, and over that "TS server" i'm sure anything goes, be it trash talk/racism/fascism/whatever, But when you bring that kind of crap on to our server and post it publicly for "all" to see then it's not just directed at your "friend" it's reflective of the =SM= server
(just imagine a new player had only been logged into our server for 5 mins and then "THAT" obscenity had invaded his screen OR maybe a young impressionable child had somehow gotten to see that comment) - how does a parent explain that term away.......
no offence, but you have done a major stinker and not even thought to apologize for it :/
May 27 2010, 09:53 AM
QUOTE (K. @ May 27 2010, 07:16 AM)

hmm he said it himself, he's got a private teamspeak for talking to his friends, and over that "TS server" i'm sure anything goes, be it trash talk/racism/fascism/whatever, But when you bring that kind of crap on to our server and post it publicly for "all" to see then it's not just directed at your "friend" it's reflective of the =SM= server
I was actually discussing this very point with someone last night, what make me think your actions were even more immature is that you claim to be a father. As a father you of all people should understand that children should not be exposed to such verbal abuse, and on a 'free to join' bc2 server compared to your TS server which will be full of people who are of the same age/mentality/reasoning as you it is very easy for someone of an improper age to see this and use it inappropriately. As someone who claims to be of an older age and with the responsibility of children you completely any sense of guilt or admission of that guilt, which itself is pretty child like. Perhaps you'll fit in well on the Wonka server

May 27 2010, 10:49 AM
It takes a certain mentality to even think about using words like that, in jest or not.
May 27 2010, 12:04 PM
i doubt godfather is a father at all. probably just a kid. maybe monkey can clear that up for us?
Godfather Nor
May 27 2010, 09:00 PM
Do not question me as a father or a kid.. i am30 years of age, and i read a reply post about how to act infront of kids? shes a week old. and by the way, the server has censor stars **** so no one except admins can see them,
i allso have allot of experience with servers as i have done allot of em, im no noob at this but if i have to answer all these "what i could be" to defend my self then i give it a rest..
i just asked nicely if u could lift the ban, i did not ask anything else.
And ppl can change outside the forums, just try and see.. im not a spoiled cs kid who cries for ban lift like most do.
stick to the topic. as u may have seen on the logs, im not that bad... so please stop cry about "hey he said that word" and yell it out here... u should stay allot more on the server and see the public when sm isnt on...
May 27 2010, 09:52 PM
However well we intend to admin our server, it isnt possible to admin it 24 hours a day, we have lives and jobs etc.
As for the stars, its not nesscesarily about other people seeing it.
We just dont want people who would even consider using that language on our servers.
Its not the kind of atmosphere we want.
Sorry, racist views, opinions or jokes are just not welcome.
Apologies for people digressing off topic, but i think this post sums everything up nicely.
May 27 2010, 10:06 PM
QUOTE (HYPOBOXER @ May 26 2010, 10:20 PM)

Ok im all for giving folks a chance but even considering using a term like that gets my back up whether in jest or not. Anyone who considers that funny has a bizarre sense of humor and to me that just encourages others to express their right wing views. I will vote no but will respect the views of others members. Because tolerance is important isnt it?
As with 6, this ^.
Godfather Nor
May 28 2010, 05:07 PM
thank you for a clean answer.
i understand ur meanings and the rules..
i hope i get another chance as the server is 1 of the best..
May 30 2010, 12:39 AM
Ok thanks everyone for the feedback. I think everything that needs to be said has been said, will close this topic now. thx.
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