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Full Version: Monkeylew Application
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hey there peeps. Im an idiot! Posted on your chatbox instead of the forums...

My names Lew believe it or not. Im 23 at the mo, studying music practice at Northumbria uni. Born n bred in Newcastle. Why aye! Play a few instruments badly. Do a bit surfing when the north sea isn't cold enough to freeze my special bits. You can probs guess i dont get much practice then..

I was basically just playing with a few members of the clan on bc2, foxinsox and monkeyfiend and a few others i think.. they told me to come check out your recruitment page so here i am.

Liking the look of this clan. All seems pretty chilled yet somehow organised.

Thanks all,
Lew x
.....another monkey......tongue.gif

well as long as you aren't a crack shot with the GL aka Noobtoob then you and I will get along fine biggrin.gif

all joking aside, get yourself a download of Teamspeak3 and connect to our voice-chat server to get to know us all better, most bc2 players play in the evening, and jump in and out of the TS server to organise game etc

catch ya on the field
Hope to see you on the field soon for some stabby stabby action biggrin.gif
welcome to the site, hopefully catch you on the server and ts soon biggrin.gif
Once you get teamspeak 3 downloaded and pop on to play, ill try and catch you for a chat.
We work on a trial basis to make sure everyone gets along fine. All you have to do is hang out on teamspeak for a week when you play.
Then all the members vote to say your not a weirdo and job done.
Ill discuss the rules and all that when your on ts.
Catch you on the field soon!
Ooh, a new target for the Carl Gustav... *Loads a fresh rocket in anticipation*
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